Originally posted by: ikickpigeons
omg 600kbs!!! damn. Ok well im working on the port forawarding thing, i think i almost understnad it now. but one more question. Should i update my Java??? also can you guys explain this seed/peer thing. I dont understand it. Is a seed a person who is uploading it to me? And is a peer someone who is also downloading it?
A seed is someone who has 100% of the torrent, and are only uploading to others. A peer is everyone else.
Also, the reason nobody can give you a clear answer on speeds is because of all the variables. Torrents rely on other people. There must either be many people distributing, or at least enough people that have high upload speeds available to you.
As it's been said, beyond port forwarding and upload restrictions, there's not much thats in your hands as far as speed. The reason you should restrict your upload is because the two are linked, if you max out your upload, you'll have a slow download speed. Also, if you max your upload, you can kiss anything else you use the internet for goodbye, websites will take forever to load and most things will fail to work well. You always need some upload bandwidth for anything you do online. The internet is an exchange, nothing is one way.
Your java version isn't important. If you still experience problems, it's generally because of the torrent itself.