

Jan 2, 2001
The mirror are absolutly swamped (I got it at a whole 0.7KB/s), so get it here :


Just the jar : link

Changelog :

30.05.04 | Azureus

FEATURE: Core | Ability to limit global download speed [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added ability to automatically exclude files when making torrents (e.g. .DS_Store & Thumbs.db) [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Caching of peer info to disk for quick restarts if tracker is unavailable [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Detection of plugin updates [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | HTTP scrapes to same tracker combined into one request if tracker supports it [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Core | Support for scraping trackers like that scrape with /scrape but don't have "announce" in announce URL [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Tracker connections proxy support (peer connections not supported yet) [Nolar]
FEATURE: Core | UDP authentication protocol added [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | UDP tracker version 2 support added [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Generic update mechanisms for core, updater and swt [Parg/Gudy]
FEATURE: Core | Support for loading user-specific plugins from user dir and shared ones from app dir [Parg]
FEATURE: Dev | Column management for any of Azureus' table views. [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Dev | Easy to use "basic plugin view": see PluginInterface::getUIManager::getBasicPluginViewModel [Parg, Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | Ability to upload torrents with xml/http interface [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | All columns sortable and configurable [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Added "Remaining", "DLing For" (time) and "Seeding For" (time) columns to "My Torrents" [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to auto-update language file from web (Config -> Interface -> Language) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Added option to show transfer rates in bits/sec [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | In the Details view, the peer's pieces that we already have are shown in a faded color [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Linux system tray support [Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | MyTracker row right-click support for copying torrent URL to clipboard [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Right-click menu sorting of columns (Sorting for OSX) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Send text in My Torrents to clipboard [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | When torrent data is missing, you can change directory via the context menu [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | OSX : About and Preferences items are listed under 'Azureus' menu [Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | Added an option not to use units bigger than MB [Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | Option to show peer host names instead of IP address [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Embedded tracker IP blocks shown in Blocked IPs List [Parg]
FEATURE: WebUI| Web Plugin now can set upload rate [Parg]
FEATURE: WebUI| Web Plugin support for uploading torrents [Parg]
FEATURE: WebUI| Webui + xml/http "access" property support for IP range [Parg]
FEATURE: WebUI| Webui + xml/http plugins have had basic plugin view added [Parg]

CHANGE: | IRC and Tracker Web Pages moved to separate plugin [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Auto-imported .torrent files are moved (not copied) to default .torrent save dir if enabled [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Auto-imported .torrent files are renamed *.imported if default .torrent save dir is not enabled [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Can set per-torrent and global peer connection limits [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Config/pref/torrent file saving uses intermediate .saving file for more reliability [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Currently-connected peer connections are dropped when IPFilter is enabled [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | File descriptor handles increased from default of 256 to 8192 under OSX [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Ignore Share Ratio can now be non-integer [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | New SHA-1 hasher: up to 25% faster [Gudy / Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Scrape interval now based on # of seeds (15min minimum) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | Socket writes now done in full MSS-sized chunks [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Upload limit can now be set less than 5KB/sec. However, doing so limits download speed too [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | User config/pref/plugins dir culled from Windows' Registry (needs aereg.dll) [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | OSX user- pref/plugin dir moved from ~/Library/Azureus/ to ~/Library/Application Support/Azureus/ to meet osx standards [Nolar]
CHANGE: Core | Unix user- pref/plugin dir moved from ~/Azureus/ to ~/.Azureus/ to meet unix standards [Nolar]
CHANGE: UI | All progress/piece bars re-done (again) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Azureus should work with SWT 2.12 until we break backwards compat. again [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Shrink "My Torrents" Context menu [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Systray4j removed: system tray support now from SWT built-in code (Requires SWT-M8+) [Gudy]
CHANGE: UI | Torrent name shown with IPs in the blocked-IPFilter list [Nolar]
CHANGE: UI | The Donation Window is now Closeable using the 'Esc' Key [Gudy]
CHANGE: UI | In the Donation Window the OK button should be on top of other Controls [Gudy]
CHANGE: UI | Added a "what's new" item in help menu, pointing to changelog for current version [Gudy / Gouss]

BUGFIX: Core | Files incorrectly shared if contents not a torrent when opening [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | First Priority rules based on time now work across sessions [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix for saving of .torrent file in wrong dir: Bug #916137 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix for some discarded data due to occasional duplicate request [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix for system clock changes stalling downloads: Bug #918193 [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix for system clock running faster when using Azureus [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix for underlying socket handles not closing under linux ("Too many open files") [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Individual file priorities remembered after Stop-Start [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Multiple shares of same resources causing problems (e.g. share contents+share contents recursive of same dir) [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Simpler and more reliable file allocation...won't b0rk existing data [Nolar]
BUGFIX: Core | Re-check on completion no longer sends Have messages [Nolar]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix for the General View in a torrent details, not being layout correctly [Gudy]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix for the toolbar on linux / OS X [Gudy]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix for the Torrent Maker not getting the correct Tracker when choosing from the Combo on OS X [Gudy]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix for the Freeze on exit under OSX [Gudy]


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.



Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2001
Can you host the Azureus2.jar file separately? I'm using the Linux version and the servers are getting hammered.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
ive been useing azureus for about a week i was useing shadows, for some reason my torrents now DL at like 200k/s with azureus and i can have a bunch going at once, ive dled like 12 gigs in about a week


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.


I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2001
I've tried some of the CVS versions and for the most part they were good. Some started using up a lot of ram after a while though. :confused:


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: GhettoFob
I've tried some of the CVS versions and for the most part they were good. Some started using up a lot of ram after a while though. :confused:

What drive were you writing to?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: FFMCobalt
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.


I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.
I max out my 4 Mbps connection on Shadow's so either you have a horriby outdated JIT compiler, or your computer sucks, or you just got a lucky torrent.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: FFMCobalt
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.


I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.

The secret to shadow : set minimun number of peers to 9999 (the max allowed). This will try to connect to EVERY peer out there, and is what makes it the best client out there. Some people consider this abuse, but if you got the con (I used it on my uni's link) it doesn't adversely effect performance. If you only got 512kb of upstream though, well, connecting to 300 clients has quite a bit of overhead . . .


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: FFMCobalt
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.


I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.

jet new java, mine runs fine


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: GhettoFob
I've tried some of the CVS versions and for the most part they were good. Some started using up a lot of ram after a while though. :confused:

What drive were you writing to?

Azureus is in my /home directory and I save files to a download folder on a different drive. It uses up more ram because I'm saving to a different drive?? And thanks for uploading the .jar file.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2001
Darnit. I don't wanna call Azureus crap (I'm sure it's just my lack of Java knowledge), but I've had two consectutive problems already trying to install it on Windoze Xp machines. Everytime I to execute it, I get the hourglass for 5s or so and nothing happens. I checked the FAQs and I tried doing the copy-paste bit to the java/javaw executable but no luck there. Help a poor sucker out as I've had to go back to ABC now which isn't all that bad, but I don't like the idea of all my ups/downs clumped in one view.

Another good site I go occasionally is for random stuff and antoher GREAT one for asian music/vids is which actually links you to like another 10 more sites. It's good to share bt sites because that means usually more seeds overall! I hope...


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Silex
Darnit. I don't wanna call Azureus crap (I'm sure it's just my lack of Java knowledge), but I've had two consectutive problems already trying to install it on Windoze Xp machines. Everytime I to execute it, I get the hourglass for 5s or so and nothing happens. I checked the FAQs and I tried doing the copy-paste bit to the java/javaw executable but no luck there. Help a poor sucker out as I've had to go back to ABC now which isn't all that bad, but I don't like the idea of all my ups/downs clumped in one view.

Another good site I go occasionally is for random stuff and antoher GREAT one for asian music/vids is which actually links you to like another 10 more sites. It's good to share bt sites because that means usually more seeds overall! I hope...

are you using the latest version of java :p


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: FFMCobalt
Originally posted by: Chu
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
is this a BT client? What does it offer over Shad0w's experimental? I'm quite happy with Shad0w's, it works great.

Shadow's expiremental (now called BitTornado btw) is the best for individual files, but Azureus is the best for a whole lotta files. Had tons of control features (upload cap, download cap, numer of active torrents at a time, number of peers, etc.), auto resume, auto moving of done torrents, and will stop seeding after a certain ratio is reached.


I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.

bah wimp ;) your pc must be slow as snails :D

azuerus works great for me even if I am gaming :p


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Adul
Originally posted by: Silex
Darnit. I don't wanna call Azureus crap (I'm sure it's just my lack of Java knowledge), but I've had two consectutive problems already trying to install it on Windoze Xp machines. Everytime I to execute it, I get the hourglass for 5s or so and nothing happens. I checked the FAQs and I tried doing the copy-paste bit to the java/javaw executable but no luck there. Help a poor sucker out as I've had to go back to ABC now which isn't all that bad, but I don't like the idea of all my ups/downs clumped in one view.

Another good site I go occasionally is for random stuff and antoher GREAT one for asian music/vids is which actually links you to like another 10 more sites. It's good to share bt sites because that means usually more seeds overall! I hope...

are you using the latest version of java :p
Yeah I am. Straight manual d/l from Any other suggestions? I searched all over google and it's strange that I can't find any Q's of a similar stature.


May 23, 2002
Any major differences betwen Azureus and ABC? Been using ABC for quite a while now.

Originally posted by: FFMCobalt
I moved from Shadow's to PTC and saw a dramatic increase in speed and decrease in system resources used. Azureus, like Shadow's, is built in Java. Java blows huge goat balls. Seriously. Really big ones.
Actually Shadow's is written in Python so, um...