Not possible as far as I know. I don't know the exact reason, but because it's considered "opening in a new window", it will not open to maximized. What it does is open in the same size as the last "new window" you had open (except for maximized). You can sort of set the size then. Open a window by shift-clicking it. It'll open in the small size. Now resize that window manually (not hitting maximize, drag the borders). Now close it. Now all the "new windows" you open will open in that same size.
The problem will then be that sometimes the size will get changed by popups or links that automatically open in a new window.
You can also change that setting more precisely in the registry editor, only the coords of the IE windows that is. I can't quite remember how right now, I'll try and find it but I think it's available on otherwise.
me and my roommate also have the problem. to me, it seems like xp is at times, in consistent with different settings. well, i've almost completely switched to using opera. have to get used to the ads, but man, i love the mouse gestures!
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