When ever I post a message or reply in the forum, there always seems to be 2-3 rows of wasted blank space at the end of the post. So I have to go in and edit by holding delete at the end of my message to remove invisible extra tabs that I never put in.
This fixes it, but could this not bedone automatially to not leave space at the point where there are no more characters (end of the message)? And by editing that, while it fixes it, the editing process adds the "Edited: DATE at TIME by NAME" line, so the post is still taking up more space then it needs.
Just a suggestiong to save space.
This fixes it, but could this not bedone automatially to not leave space at the point where there are no more characters (end of the message)? And by editing that, while it fixes it, the editing process adds the "Edited: DATE at TIME by NAME" line, so the post is still taking up more space then it needs.
Just a suggestiong to save space.