Originally posted by: Leros
Originally posted by: Jeff7
If there was an easy way, spam wouldn't be a problem.
The most effective way would be to hire mercenaries to kill spammers.
Someone suggested that nuking China would be very effective at lowering the amount of spam.
I'm all for that. Somehow it would probably fix the economy too.
We'd be FORCED to pay a bit more to buy products made here, and in the end it would mean more manufacturers, then more jobs.
Actually, as much as the internet is meant to be a fully world accessible network, China should be cut off it unless they decide to comply with laws about hacking, spamming, and that type of BS.
India and russia are bad too when it comes to spam though. While most spam DOES originate from the US it's my understanding that it's mostly all controlled from china and other overseas places.
Or just drop the speed of the undersea cable to 56k. Will solve a lot without cutting them off.