Whoa! This went out a lot quicker than I intended.
My wife does a lot of audio stuff. I'm thinking of getting her a small form factor computer.
My understanding is that if I was doing a lot of floating point manipulation, P$ or whatever might be better than Celeron. Is there any difference in the straight-eight file copying facilities or audio file manipultaion facilities of these two classes of processors (or their AMD equivalents)?
This subject doesn't appear under a search of the forum for "audio."
My wife does a lot of audio stuff. I'm thinking of getting her a small form factor computer.
My understanding is that if I was doing a lot of floating point manipulation, P$ or whatever might be better than Celeron. Is there any difference in the straight-eight file copying facilities or audio file manipultaion facilities of these two classes of processors (or their AMD equivalents)?
This subject doesn't appear under a search of the forum for "audio."