Attention ATOT drivers: If you do this, you are a moron


Apr 7, 2003
...and by "this", I mean plodding up an on-ramp at 25mph and "merging" (read: plowing) into 75mph traffic. The worst is when you immediately rush over to the left lane, too.

I have the urge to check you into a ditch every time, and i'm not sure i'll always be able to stop myself. So, for your own sake, go down to the DMV and turn your license in.


Jun 12, 2000
If you suspect the person in front of you will do this I'm just about certain* that passing them on the shoulder of the on-ramp is perfectly acceptable.

*I'm not at all certain, but there is a chance I would do it if I didn't think I would get caught.


Apr 7, 2003
If you suspect the person in front of you will do this I'm just about certain* that passing them on the shoulder of the on-ramp is perfectly acceptable.

*I'm not at all certain, but there is a chance I would do it if I didn't think I would get caught.

I did this once on the highway. Some shithead just boated into the travel lane from the onramp doing about 30mph while the congested highway traffic was doing ~70. He cut in front of me, I passed him in the breakdown lane. He proceeded to stomp on the gas pedal, catch up to me, cut in front of me, and hit his brakes. He followed me down an offramp, and at the inevitable confrontation, he said he was pissed because i "cut him off". Yeah.

Unfortunately I can't discuss how that little situation resolved.


Sep 11, 2005
I did this once on the highway. Some shithead just boated into the travel lane from the onramp doing about 30mph while the congested highway traffic was doing ~70. He cut in front of me, I passed him in the breakdown lane. He proceeded to stomp on the gas pedal, catch up to me, cut in front of me, and hit his brakes. He followed me down an offramp, and at the inevitable confrontation, he said he was pissed because i "cut him off". Yeah.

Unfortunately I can't discuss how that little situation resolved.

Please tell me you kicked his ass.


Feb 8, 2000
Were they at least on their phone? At least I can yell at swear at retards/idiots.

One time, I had to merge behind an old lady doing 50 Km/h. It was a highway to highway interchange too. Christ...


Sep 20, 2007
I did this once on the highway. Some shithead just boated into the travel lane from the onramp doing about 30mph while the congested highway traffic was doing ~70. He cut in front of me, I passed him in the breakdown lane. He proceeded to stomp on the gas pedal, catch up to me, cut in front of me, and hit his brakes. He followed me down an offramp, and at the inevitable confrontation, he said he was pissed because i "cut him off". Yeah.

Unfortunately I can't discuss how that little situation resolved.

Pretty much the same thing happened to a co-worker of mine. Except the enraged driver didn't expect him to be such a big guy. Scrawny offender tore off before the fight began. :awe:

I had a soccer mom flip me the bird because I honked at her for driving less than 100km/h in the left lane. There must have been at least 15 cars backed up behind her. I've also had someone attempt to run me off the road because I guess they thought I cut them off. Saw him driving like a maniac in my rear-view before said incident. Came screaming up along side me as I was trying to merge into the slow lane. Took off when I whipped out my iPhone and snapped a picture of his plate. If Montreal has the worst drivers, Toronto is surely a close second.


Apr 5, 2002
Highway traffic is fast and dangerous. I am just being cautious and safe.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2005
Nothing makes my day like a good old fashioned on ramp pass.


Jan 4, 2001
Pretty much the same thing happened to a co-worker of mine. Except the enraged driver didn't expect him to be such a big guy. Scrawny offender tore off before the fight began. :awe:

I had a soccer mom flip me the bird because I honked at her for driving less than 100km/h in the left lane. There must have been at least 15 cars backed up behind her. I've also had someone attempt to run me off the road because I guess they thought I cut them off. Saw him driving like a maniac in my rear-view before said incident. Came screaming up along side me as I was trying to merge into the slow lane. Took off when I whipped out my iPhone and snapped a picture of his plate. If Montreal has the worst drivers, Toronto is surely a close second. kind of sucks how people have such a great tendency to turn into complete assholes when they're driving.


Jul 1, 2001
On the flip side, I hate people who won't let me merge onto the damn highway in heavy traffic, and practically force me onto the shoulder. I'd love to check THOSE bastards under a semi trailer in the lane next to them.

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
If you suspect the person in front of you will do this I'm just about certain* that passing them on the shoulder of the on-ramp is perfectly acceptable.

*I'm not at all certain, but there is a chance I would do it if I didn't think I would get caught.

Hell, if you do get caught, claim evasive maneuvers to avoid plowing into the dumbfuck.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I had a guy try to pass my in the breakdown lane on the RIGHT side of a 3 lane highway - I was doing 70 in the slow lane. I guess he was pissed that the fast lane wasn't fast enough. I was driving my 5.2 liter V8 Charger at the time (wish I still had that vehicle). Needless to say, he didn't get past me. :)


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Come to Seattle... the drivers here are ok in most situations but no one can merge. In heavy traffic instead of a every other car scenario everyone LOVES to zoom up and try to cram in which just ends up slowing everyone else down. On-ramp merging is just about as bad with a mix of 30mph and 80+mph people, no one seems willing to give any ground. About the only thing Seattle area drivers are worse at is handling snow...


Feb 8, 2000
I had a soccer mom flip me the bird because I honked at her for driving less than 100km/h in the left lane. There must have been at least 15 cars backed up behind her. I've also had someone attempt to run me off the road because I guess they thought I cut them off. Saw him driving like a maniac in my rear-view before said incident. Came screaming up along side me as I was trying to merge into the slow lane. Took off when I whipped out my iPhone and snapped a picture of his plate. If Montreal has the worst drivers, Toronto is surely a close second.

I almost ran someone doing 105 Kph in the left lane off the road. She was following another car in the right lane at the exact same speed, and didn't leave any room for anyone to pass on the right, so I shot the barely there gap. I feel bad about it cause my friend was with me, and I was in a company, traceable car... Company sent a notice out about dangerous drivers, bla bla bla. Woops.

Was having a bad day because I almost rear-ended a guy a few minutes earlier cause he wouldn't make a right at a T-intersection on orange when he was already in the intersection. No, he brakes hard instead. Then some other idiot flipped me off for merging at 110 Kph; he was passing fast in the right lane cause of the aforementioned left lane blocker, and was trying to block me near the end of the merge lane. F*cking cottagers.


Apr 7, 2003
On the flip side, I hate people who won't let me merge onto the damn highway in heavy traffic, and practically force me onto the shoulder. I'd love to check THOSE bastards under a semi trailer in the lane next to them.

Yeah, if someone is trying to merge onto the higjway and I can move over a lane to let them in, I do. However, 99% of the people in this area are completely ignorant of what the "yield" sign means. I once had a hooptie nearly ram me as they entered the highway completely oblivious to their surrondings. I leaned on the horn and their response was to speed up, pass me in the breakdown lane, and then flip me off. Apparently they thought they had the right of way.

It took a LOT of convincing from my gf to not follow them.


Dec 6, 2004
...and by "this", I mean plodding up an on-ramp at 25mph and "merging" (read: plowing) into 75mph traffic. The worst is when you immediately rush over to the left lane, too.

I have the urge to check you into a ditch every time, and i'm not sure i'll always be able to stop myself. So, for your own sake, go down to the DMV and turn your license in.

The on ramp in Los Angeles for Wilshire Bvld to the 405 is about 30 feet long so people have to plow in at 20 mph. Its stupid and they need to fix it.


Jan 4, 2001
The on ramp in Los Angeles for Wilshire Bvld to the 405 is about 30 feet long so people have to plow in at 20 mph. Its stupid and they need to fix it.
Back around where my parents live, there was a stretch of highway through a region that got overdeveloped. They added some entrances to the highway, but there wasn't really enough room to add a ramp. So instead, they added stop signs. Merging into 55-75mph traffic is fun when you're starting at a dead stop.


Apr 7, 2003
The on ramp in Los Angeles for Wilshire Bvld to the 405 is about 30 feet long so people have to plow in at 20 mph. Its stupid and they need to fix it.

Yeah, I sympathize with drivers stuck with crap highway engineering. But, to be fair, you ARE asian... a 300 ft onramp probably wouldn't help. :p


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
how bout ppl who don't get into zipper formation and insist on driving next to you as the lanes begin to merge?

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
how bout ppl who don't get into zipper formation and insist on driving next to you as the lanes begin to merge?

GIVE THEM NOTHING! So far, nobody has pushed the issue with me enough to get run off the road or buy me a new paint job.


May 24, 2003
Back around where my parents live, there was a stretch of highway through a region that got overdeveloped. They added some entrances to the highway, but there wasn't really enough room to add a ramp. So instead, they added stop signs. Merging into 55-75mph traffic is fun when you're starting at a dead stop.

Some of the ramps in edmonton are like that. Try going 0-70mph in a corolla. Good luck.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
maybe they flat out just dont really care...ever think about that?
drive defensively, pay attention and stop worrying about everyone else on the road.