Attack of Mr Freeze


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2003
Hi all,

About a month a go I ordered some kit and built a new system, now after a they sent me a second hand Mobo, I have got a new one a Asus A7V8X-X so my spec is,

1 x Asus A7V8X-X
1 x AMD ATHLON XP2600+ 333MHz FSB - Thoroughbred - OEM
1 x PC2700 512MB 333MHz DDR DIMM
1 x V770 Modding Case Silver/blue ATX 350w With Built in Side Window
1 x Coolermaster HAC-V81 XDream Heatsink & Fan SKT A Upto Xp2800 Speed Adjustment
4 x 80mm Case Fans

1 x Tyan Tachyon Radeon G9600PRO 8xAGP 128MB DDR VGA/DVI/S-Video/Hardware Monitoring Retail Box

I'm having real problems with the Kit locking up, now it solid in the OS, browsing etc is fine and it never fails, but as soon as I run a game or 3D demo (Pipe Dreams, Bear etc) then it freezes and I have to restart, now this can happen within 5 minutes or 30 minutes but it will happen. I have tried a fresh install on the OS XP and 98SE, latest Bios is 6 i think, 7 is beta. Latest ATI drivers, I have checked the mem with Memtest86 and have checked with Sandra and can not find a thing. Also I have my old GeForce 2 Ti card and the same thing happens

The only reason I bought this new kit is to play HL2, please can you help in anyway?


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 1999
This is a very common problem, but every solution is usually different.

Do you have a Soundblaster Live card and OnBoard sound? I have seen problems like the ones you encounter with both cards enabled. Heat might also be a factor. Try underclocking your processor and see if goes away. You then know if your heatsink isn't doing its job. Others have found that changing the AGP Aperature Size has helped them. Seeing that it is a second hand mobo I wonder if the guy before you was having the same problem.

Good luck.


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2003
HI there,

I use the on-board sound, have only one PCI device and have not messed (yet) with the AGP settings in the Bios, also the Last Mobo was a second hand MSI, this is a shiny new ASUS A7V8X-X.

I will have a play with the AGP settings and try and underclock the CPU, I will let you know my findings.



Golden Member
May 11, 2001
do you have 8x agp set on by any chance in the bios? if so, back it off to 4x and see if that helps.


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
Let us know how you get a side note...I notice you have some very good components there spec:

AMD Athlon XP2500+ 333mhz FSB - Barton - OEM (O/C to XP3000+/400mhz FSB)
1x PC3200 512mb 400mhz DDR DIMM
V770 Modding Case Silver/Blue ATX 350W With Built In Side Window + LED Bubble Lights on front
Coolermaster HAC-V81 X-Dream Heatsink & Fan
4x 80mm Case Fans.

Great Anandtech minds think alike....

but graphics card = teh suck compared to yours GF4 MX440 :eek:;)


Diamond Member
May 11, 2000
Do you have fast-writes enabled in BIOS and control panel?
If so, try disabling it.