ATI X850 Pro vs 7600 GT, AGP

Dr J

Senior member
Aug 3, 2006


I need your help on this one; I'm obsessing. I recently purchased a beautiful LG L203WT LCD monitor and I'd like to upgrade my 9600 pro to get the best from this new display. My current AGP system is certainly fast enough and pleasantly very stable.

I'm stuck on choosing between the X850Pro and the 7600gt, apg cards. I know that on paper, the X850pro has the 7600gt beat, yet some people report the 7600 is still faster. What I like about the 7600 gt is the lower power consumption and lower heat.

However, I've had the feeling that the ATI drivers are less troublesome.

I probably use my computer for 2d, 80% of the time. And, my main concern is image quality, given my eyesight is weakening.

So, any and all information appreciated.



Dr J

Senior member
Aug 3, 2006

but that one is refurbished. I managed to get in on the X850PRo deal, for the same price, before they pulled the ad. This card will turn into an X850XT PE, with a simple bios upgrade. Also, it's a native AGP card and doesn?t require the conversion chip, as does the X800XL (which is what makes it more costly).

My concern is about the choice between the 850 and 7600gt, which is the better performer, especially in 2d (I know that?s mostly not a concern here)?

The 850 is on back order and so I still have time to choose.




Golden Member
Oct 22, 2004
i'd get the 7600GT - it's got a better feature set than the X850 Pro. if you're not gaming a ton, then I'd say go for features instead of a little bit of speed.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Dr J

but that one is refurbished. I managed to get in on the X850PRo deal, for the same price, before they pulled the ad. This card will turn into an X850XT PE, with a simple bios upgrade. Also, it's a native AGP card and doesn?t require the conversion chip, as does the X800XL (which is what makes it more costly).

My concern is about the choice between the 850 and 7600gt, which is the better performer, especially in 2d (I know that?s mostly not a concern here)?

The 850 is on back order and so I still have time to choose.



The conversino can be done but it requires a hardmod with s conductive pen and then a bios flash. Not that hard(1 dot of conductive pen and youre done), but not as easy as you think.

how much does does the x850pro cost and where can you find a 7600gt agp for sale?

Dr J

Senior member
Aug 3, 2006


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2006
I went with the x850xt because i had a bad experience with a 6600gt, buty keep in mind the x850 wont support shader 3, only the x1xxx models do and all nvidias. shader model 3 will make a differencer in newer games late this yr and next but right now it isntg so significant


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Dr J

thanks for the explanation, but the outline of the mod:

doesn't mention anything about a hard mod, of any kind.

The GeForce 7600 GT, AGP exists, currently from Leadtek:

but isn't yet available here (that I know of; but, I'm in no hurry). Also, it's my understanding that EVGA will release a similar card, soon.


the article is old. After about 6 months or so, reports rolled in about how the bios flash mod no longer wored and ati started putting the lasercut in some vivo and non vivo x800 and x850pros. You may get lucky and get an older card or the chips tjhey didnt bother to lasercut but some of the time you will get one with a lasercut. You just need to connect the two together and itll work with a bios flash. I believe most vivos are nonlaser cut but there are a few out there lasercut. Its more common on the X800pro than the x850pro and more common on the pci-e compared to the agp but it happens.

the reason I ask is because the 7600gt may be very expensive when it comes out. I'm not sure if you got in on it at $119 or $139 for the x850pro but would yuo be willing to pay maybe $200 or $219 for a 7600gt?

I figured out what serials correspond to the moddability of a card. All the serials that start with 18052- (and below) are biosmoddable, all the cards that have serials with 18053- are laser cut, and all the cards that have serials with 18054- are die locked. So in summary, grab a 52- if you can, and a 53- if you have no choice. I'm actually not really sure about the 53-, and i've seen some people with 54-'s that can unlock, but it's the minority.

Hope you dont get a die locked one though. Die locked = no moddability at all.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2005
Well, if you had PCIe, I would advise getting the 7600GT for sure. Looking on many game benchmarks, a 7600GT equals an 850XT when both are at stock clock speeds. However 7600GTs can usually be overclocked very well (mine's at 600/1560 to stock 560/1400) and with some tweaking it can edge out an X850XT PE with lower power consumption and a better feature set such as SM3.

However, you have AGP, and if/when that Leadtek card comes out, it's not going to have a lot of competition. Because of that, prices for that thing will probably be too high to justify getting it over an X850.

Dr J

Senior member
Aug 3, 2006

thanks ... my favourite games are oldies and so SM3 wouldn't be of much consequence to me.


this is a little more disturbing and I agree, I hope I don't get a die locked unit. I appreciate all the information and will keep my fingers crossed that it will accept a straight-ahead bios flash; what are the chances?


you're probably right, the 7600 gt will likely come at a premium. The gs version is available for slightly more money than what I paid for the 850pro, which was $119us/$139cnd. And, in the gs case, I guess the 850 is the card to have.


thanks for the recommendation. However, I thought about it and I really don't need the extra features. Also, the 850 has the newer chip and the dual slot cooling. Also, I have a separate TV setup and almost all the FM stations I listen to are streamed.

Thank you all for your responses.

I think I may just stick with the 850Pro, that is, if the stock comes through.

Thank you all,



Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999
By default it would prolly depend upon the game and drivers as the 7600 has a limited memory bus but closes the gap with higher clocks and perhaps better efficiency. However, if the 850 can have its extra pixel pipelines unlocked then it should definitively gain the upper hand. Considering the disparate pricing it seems you made the better choice especially if you want to use it while actually waiting for the 7600 and other options to materialize.

Dr J

Senior member
Aug 3, 2006
Apoppin and Auric,

thanks for the endorsements. I look forward to receiving my new toy, can't wait to giver a try.



Jun 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Termie
I'd say skip both, and go for this:

This is an unbeatable deal for an AGP card, and it's available right now, but apparently the price is only good for a few more days. It will beat the X850pro, it's cheaper than the 7600gt, and it has a TV tuner.

Is the All in one wonder a watered down X800XT or is it the real deal?

I ask because the X1900 all in one wonder isn't even as fast as an X1800XT in games, much less a X1900XT.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Sonikku
Originally posted by: Termie
I'd say skip both, and go for this:

This is an unbeatable deal for an AGP card, and it's available right now, but apparently the price is only good for a few more days. It will beat the X850pro, it's cheaper than the 7600gt, and it has a TV tuner.

Is the All in one wonder a watered down X800XT or is it the real deal?

I ask because the X1900 all in one wonder isn't even as fast as an X1800XT in games, much less a X1900XT.

If i remember correctly the x800xt aiw is identical perfromance wise to the x800xt non aiw.


Jun 23, 2005
Oh goody. It's on backorder. I can't stand how these deals are around for a while, then they go out of stock in the short window that I have to wait for my money to get posted at the bank when the funds become available. First the X850pro, now the XT.