ATI tv wonder, tv tuners & compression


Golden Member
Mar 31, 2001
I got an ATI TV Wonder last week and have been recording stuff since then..I have tons of twilight zones, mad tv, tales of the crypt, man show, and a few more different shows.

Is there any law against trading and transferring these online? I am mainly recording to low dvd quality, and compressing them with virtualdub - using Indeo Video 5.10 and encoding them with TMPEGEnc to SVCD's and sometimes regular vcd's if I don't want the great there anything that will give better quality than Indeo video 5.10? It's too big if I leave it the way it is recorded, but it does still look good after compressing with indeo, and creating a svcd out of it works fine, but is there anything that is faster? It takes about an hour to compress and encode a 30 minute show :(

what tv tuner software are you all using? I use dscaler when i'm watching TV, and the ATI multimedia center to there a program that looks as good(or near) as dscaler that records? i'd like to give other programs a try, but don't really know what's out there. I'd love something that can be made transparent with an nvidia card..I know the ATI software will do it, but only with an ati card

I need some more cool shows to record..i'm having a lot of fun watching shows I haven't seen in a long time or never would have any ideas? tell me!

thanks :D


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2000
how are you getting it to record without it freezing? Mine freezes after about 2 minutes of recording then I have to reboot. I have a VIA chipset with all the latest drivers installed, I am assuming that is my problem


Golden Member
Mar 31, 2001
I haven't had any problems..but your first step may be to try downloading the new mmc..when you download it, new drivers don't if you haven't updated drivers, you still have some pretty old ones.

all you have to do is go to device manager, hardware, select the ati stuff, point it to the directory where mmc 7.6 installs (default is like c:\ati\support\ati_mmc\orsomething) and just click on one of the inf files(like atibxtw.inf) then it should give you a list of the updated stuff, choose whichever you did in device manager and reboot when you do it to all of them. You'll know you're doing it right when they all start with ATI TV WONDER WDM.

Another thing you can try is george's via patch, go to and look in the forums..I found a link in there.


Diamond Member
May 8, 2000
Hey Furor,
I was just curious why you use dscaler for watching instead of the ATI software? Does MMC 7.6 still show the interlacing "teeth" when you play it full-screen? Or is there something else about dscaler that makes it look better?


Golden Member
Mar 31, 2001
Dscaler looks much much better.

MMC does show the lines, but it's a lot less visible with dscaler.