ATI Radeon LE Troubles...... Taz? :o)


Feb 17, 2001
Okay, for some reason my card is suddenly giving me 1/3 of the FPS in Quake III.... this is true at all resolutions, and I have no clue why this is doing this.... I recently took off the stock heatsink and put on my own heatsink fan combo.... the thermal pad didnt work too well and I had to stick it on with some splotches of artic silver and a rubber band... maybe that is causing the problem?? I keep getting random lockups whether or not Im playing games *faster/more often if I am*....

Additional problem.... I've always gotten low scores on this machine with 3dmark2000 unfortunately...

PIII 450 with the Radeon LE = 3600
Tbird 850 with the Radeon LE = 4800

Anyone see something messed up with a mere 1200 point increase for 400 Mhz and much better RAM/higher clocked RAM?

I am using the drivers recommended to me by Taz a few weeks ago, have the hyperZ stuff working, and overclocking as high as possible (I used to be able to do 195/195 with the old heatsink, with the new hsf I can only get up to 180 some....)

thanks for the help


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2000
400 Mhz is a lot! That's almost twice as much clock cycles!!! And that is probably your problem, the taking off the heatsink and not putting one back on very well...


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
Yes, you should be getting that increase, since the mhz is bigger. Also you should get a huge performance increase, because I am guessing your PIII is with the Katmai Core, meaning that the level2 cache is 1/2 the processor speed.


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2001
Yes, you should be getting that increase, since the mhz is bigger. Also you should get a huge performance increase, because I am guessing your PIII is with the Katmai Core, meaning that the level2 cache is 1/2 the processor speed.