ATI or NVidia?


Oct 12, 2002
I am running a Intel P4 3.0ghz w/ HT and I am looking for a nice video card. I know that not many of you like Intel but bear with me. Does one or the other manuf work better with the Intel or are they about the same? I will need a PCI-E card. In my last computer I had an NVidia and no problems to be had. But now I see that many are coming with ATI brand now. I was looking at the Radeon X800GTO 256 or possibly the GeForce 6600Gt. I know the X800GTO is liked by many as you can OC it like a madman. I am running it all on a 21" Gateway LCD widescreen so I want a card that will give me the best resolution. I will be playing HL2, Doom 3, and most likey Quake 4. I would also like to get a card that won't be useless a month from now. Thanks all.


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
You'll need a 7800GTX or X1800XT to game at native res. Of those two, obviously the GTO is better.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
They work the same for Intel or AMD. It's all about the price range you're looking at. 6600GT is a good card the closer you can get it to $100; if you want to pay some more the X800GTO and especially X800GTO2 unlocked and overclocked will blow the 6600GT out of the water.


Oct 12, 2002
Will the 7800GT give me native res on the 21"? I was trying to get away from paying so much for the card but I can always wait a little bit and I am sure that prices will go down. The GTX is just out of my price range and I will have to research the X1800XL


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2003
I play BF2, FEAR, and Half-life2 CC-S DOD-S on native 1920x1200 on a X800GTO they run fine !!! i dont think a 6600GT with its 128bit memory can do it .. but the X800GTO has no problems :) 256bit 1000Mhz GDD3:thumbsup:


Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
I am with most on this. If you can afford it at least try to get up to a 7800 GT, the prices on them are seeming very resonable now. That or you could try to step up to the GTX or X1800 but both are expensive. But overall all three of these cards are going to be alot better overall for now and the future. Do searches on each specifically and read reviews, benchs, and also read up on here what people are posting.

If your choosing between the two cards you mentioned then the Ati is the choice, no doubt about it as its much much faster than the 6600 GT. But it does cost more as well. Speaking of prices though I think I have seen deals where the 7800 GT can be had for just under three hundred smackers, sometimes with a rebate and such that knocks it even lower.


Oct 19, 2005
I am also running an Intel board with the same processor as you and I am not happy with how my ATI card performs. I have an ATI x850XT PE on its way from an order that is taking forever and I wish I could change it to the 7800GTX for the money I've paid for the ATI already. I recommend waiting for the 6800GS and avoid ATI altogether. I'm not saying they totally suck, but they are louder, run hotter, require more power and altogether do not perform as well per dollar. Also it makes SLI upgrading much easier, since ATI would require you to buy a crossfire motherboard on top of a second video card.

I beg you not to go ATI, you'll feel better about it in the end. Now, if only I can figure out a way turn back time.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
X800GTO mod/oc x850xt pe 600/600ish should be enought to play game at high res + everything medium/low

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Scott78945
I am running a Intel P4 3.0ghz w/ HT and I am looking for a nice video card. I know that not many of you like Intel but bear with me. Does one or the other manuf work better with the Intel or are they about the same? I will need a PCI-E card. In my last computer I had an NVidia and no problems to be had. But now I see that many are coming with ATI brand now. I was looking at the Radeon X800GTO 256 or possibly the GeForce 6600Gt. I know the X800GTO is liked by many as you can OC it like a madman. I am running it all on a 21" Gateway LCD widescreen so I want a card that will give me the best resolution. I will be playing HL2, Doom 3, and most likey Quake 4. I would also like to get a card that won't be useless a month from now. Thanks all.



Senior member
Jan 31, 2004
I currently have an ATI X800XL. I play Halo, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty (Hopefully CoD2 soon).

I can run WoW @ 1600x1200 easily, Halo @ 1280x1024 easily, I'm not actually sure what I run CoD @. The X800XL is pretty noisy stock, so I added a Zalman V700 cooler. Now the card is very quiet. I paid $300 for my card when it first came out, and at that time the closest competition was a 6800GT which was about $350-$400. The X800XL isn't such a great deal anymore.

My opinion is:

The lowest card to get is a 6600GT, but I would probably not bother since it is pretty similar to a 9800pro from 2 years ago.

Next, there is the X800GTO and GTO2. I'm not too familiar with these cards, but it sounds like they can be modified to run very fast. If you are comfortable modding, then these would be great choices.

After that, is the 6800GS, 6800GT, and X800XL. The 6800GT and GS are essentially the same speed, but the GS is made on a new, smaller, but higher clocked chip. This makes it less expensive for the same performance. Both cards are slightly faster in most games than the X800XL.

If you don't like modding, then the 6800GS IMO is probably one of the best deals out there, if you can find it for $220 or so. Newegg has an XFX clocked at 485 core speed for $215, and that is probably what I would buy.

However, if you can spend the money, jumping up to the 7800GT would be the next step in performance, and it is quite a step, too. Newegg has an EVGA version @ 460/1100 for $319.00

The X1800XL is overpriced and underperforming IMO, but does have a nice AF mode. Still, I don't think it is worth the extra money.

The rest of the ATI lineup are fine cards, but I just don't see them as a good value considering the current NV lineup.

Since I do not overclock, I would currently get either the 6800GS or 7800GT. If I was an overclocker, I might try an X800GTO or GTO2.


EDIT: I also wanted to mention that I plan on keeping my card for at least 1 more year, maybe 2. Also, don't be worried about running games in a different resolution than the native one on an LCD. I've used a dell 2001FP @ 1280x960 many times (in Windows desktop), and while it certainly isn't as sharp as 1600x1200, it still looked very good. In a game, the difference might be noticeable, but I personally would not get bothered by it.



Jul 1, 2005
Actually I really like Intel processors.

I have seen the 7800GT on sale at Newegg for $299 several time with a free copy of COD2. That's the best bang for the buck. If you plan on using the card for more than a year that's the card I would go with.

natto fire

Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Coke or Pepsi?

You would say that, moron.
Unlike you, some people actually go by data to determine which card has better performance for the price. Making a stupid analogy about products that are based on personal preference is fanboism writ large...


Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Captain Howdy
Originally posted by: southpawuni
Coke or Pepsi?

You would say that, moron.
Unlike you, some people actually go by data to determine which card has better performance for the price. Making a stupid analogy about products that are based on personal preference is fanboism writ large...


Joking around man. Breathe. Someone who prefers Coke over Pepsi is a "fanboy" now?

Either way, you have issues.


Oct 13, 2004
Coke overclocks on average 10% more than pepsi in stock cans, and has a far more efficent architecture clock for clock due to it's higher number of sugar pipelines...

face it, anyone who buys Pepsi is a blind fanboy :|



Senior member
Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: dug777
Coke overclocks on average 10% more than pepsi in stock cans, and has a far more efficent architecture clock for clock due to it's higher number of sugar pipelines...

face it, anyone who buys Pepsi is a blind fanboy :|


Don't forget coke uses real vanilla and Pepsi uses vanillin! Thats what New Coke used!! (synthetic substitute)


Platinum Member
Apr 16, 2005
Originally posted by: dug777
Coke overclocks on average 10% more than pepsi in stock cans, and has a far more efficent architecture clock for clock due to it's higher number of sugar pipelines...

face it, anyone who buys Pepsi is a blind fanboy :|

But you forget that Coke products have worse bubble quality and more can shimmering, if you want drink quality you have to go Pepsi.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2002
Coke clearly doesn't use pixel shader 3.0, Pepsi has much better textures and 2d images. Also Pepsi is making a point to sell their product more cheaply.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Scott78945
I am running a Intel P4 3.0ghz w/ HT and I am looking for a nice video card. I know that not many of you like Intel but bear with me. Does one or the other manuf work better with the Intel or are they about the same? I will need a PCI-E card. In my last computer I had an NVidia and no problems to be had. But now I see that many are coming with ATI brand now. I was looking at the Radeon X800GTO 256 or possibly the GeForce 6600Gt. I know the X800GTO is liked by many as you can OC it like a madman. I am running it all on a 21" Gateway LCD widescreen so I want a card that will give me the best resolution. I will be playing HL2, Doom 3, and most likey Quake 4. I would also like to get a card that won't be useless a month from now. Thanks all.
Both manufacturers work the same on Intel parts as they do on AMD parts. Do you have a PCI-E slot? I would recommend one of the newer cards like a 7800GT or something for that insane resolution and to be able to play Quake4 and Fear. And you will have to lower some settings still, to be able to play at that high a res. I was having trouble turning everything on in FEAR with at 1280x1024 res.



Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Originally posted by: videoclone
I play BF2, FEAR, and Half-life2 CC-S DOD-S on native 1920x1200 on a X800GTO they run fine !!! i dont think a 6600GT with its 128bit memory can do it .. but the X800GTO has no problems :) 256bit 1000Mhz GDD3:thumbsup:
Sure it will.. with what fillrate?