My take: ATI lied on purpose using subterfuge (ATI identified nVidia as cheating because nVidia was using and working on adaptive trilinear methods to improve benchmarks and demanded that nVidia be compared to ATI in benches both using full trilinear which of course we now know nVidia was the only one keeping that bargain while "ATI" used it's secret optimizations) in order to keep nVidia from doing exactly what it "ATI" was doing all along. ATI was afraid nVidia would reap the same benefits that it "ATI" was reaping if nVidia pursued its own adaptive trilinear strategy and seeking to improve its own sales and at the same time blacken nVidia's reputation "ATI" kept its adaptive trilinear strategy secret. This is why IMO ATI should be condemned for scumbags and lauded for being so perfectly duplicitous.
I posted this hitherto but wanted to expound on it more with the above:
"Well, OMG ATI outsmarted nVidia for two freaking years, LOL!!! ATI should be hired by Canada as a Canadian secret police they bushwhacked nVidia so well. Amazing isn?t it. I was buying nVidia 6800 whatever and now I feel even better about it. I think nVidia should sue ATI for fraudulent marketing in an attempt to put nVidia out of business. ATI accuses nVidia of the very thing ATI is doing but ATI manages to hide it far better and do it better to boot. Tragic and funny at the same time and FREAKING AMAZING!!!"
I posted this hitherto but wanted to expound on it more with the above:
"Well, OMG ATI outsmarted nVidia for two freaking years, LOL!!! ATI should be hired by Canada as a Canadian secret police they bushwhacked nVidia so well. Amazing isn?t it. I was buying nVidia 6800 whatever and now I feel even better about it. I think nVidia should sue ATI for fraudulent marketing in an attempt to put nVidia out of business. ATI accuses nVidia of the very thing ATI is doing but ATI manages to hide it far better and do it better to boot. Tragic and funny at the same time and FREAKING AMAZING!!!"