Pabster, I'm jealous... I think anyone who uses one of these cards with the included hardware for any extended period of time will realize just how great these ATI cards are. Sure, at $400 it is on the pricey side, but you can find it considerably cheaper online. When it hits the $250 area, that will be enough for me to upgrade my AIW Radeon.
I don't understand the mentality of one who expects a card like this to be released and be the fastest card on the market and still cost under $300??? Hardcore gamers are going to go the Nvidia route regardless and won't consider this card.
At this point, I can't see using a machine without the features of these cards - tv tuner, video capture, program listings, media library... the new mmc 7.5 is a great improvement, visually and feature-wise.
Great job ATI. I guess we have to wait another few years before these cards start including an hdtv tuner.