I heard alot of people recommending the 9700-nonpro as a solution to the ~$200-300 pricerange gfx cards.
I don't know of any faults in the 9700 and im sure there are very few, but something tells me this isn't as directX 9 or future ready as the new and upcomming Geforce FX 5900 Value.
I heard that the non-pro can be OCed to Pro speeds?? but i think my deciding factor would be its ability to run DirectX9 apps w/ AA and AF on.
Is the 9700 non-pro 256-bit memory?
Is the GF FX 5900 Value 256-bit memory?
Why is the nVidia implementation of DirectX9 more sophisticated? Will this affect overall performance and image quality? or just add features to nVidia's "the way it's meant to be played" list of games.
Not many ppl have argued over these points as far as i've seen so plz give all the information u can thnks. No flaming plz
I don't know of any faults in the 9700 and im sure there are very few, but something tells me this isn't as directX 9 or future ready as the new and upcomming Geforce FX 5900 Value.
I heard that the non-pro can be OCed to Pro speeds?? but i think my deciding factor would be its ability to run DirectX9 apps w/ AA and AF on.
Is the 9700 non-pro 256-bit memory?
Is the GF FX 5900 Value 256-bit memory?
Why is the nVidia implementation of DirectX9 more sophisticated? Will this affect overall performance and image quality? or just add features to nVidia's "the way it's meant to be played" list of games.
Not many ppl have argued over these points as far as i've seen so plz give all the information u can thnks. No flaming plz