Athlon XP 2100 seen as 1500 in WinXP...??


Dec 24, 2002
I have a Athlon 2100 (1.73Ghz) CPU running on the Shuttle SK41G system, with 256mb RAM. Atleast that's what i thought i got. I bought the CPU separately and built this system myself. Why is WinXP seeing it as a 1500 (1.3Ghz)? Is there a way to check this in the bios or somewhere else. I'm sure it is the right CPU as i recall checking it before putting it in. What gives??


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Bananadude
I have a Athlon 2100 (1.73Ghz) CPU running on the Shuttle SK41G system, with 256mb RAM. Atleast that's what i thought i got. I bought the CPU separately and built this system myself. Why is WinXP seeing it as a 1500 (1.3Ghz)? Is there a way to check this in the bios or somewhere else. I'm sure it is the right CPU as i recall checking it before putting it in. What gives??

Oh boy, not one of these again.
Set your FSB in the BIOS to 133 instead of 100.


Dec 29, 2002
why do people constantly post this??? if you have the brain to build your own computer you should know this by now.


Senior member
Dec 25, 2001
Yea well Setting it too 133 from 100 is one way..

But why would you put it like that?,,U think that is prob rite off the hop?.

He's got 33 posts,,good way to insult,and push away a future AnAndTecher,,ANYWAYS that's what was going on with me too Xp wasn't posting the actuall cpu,,,I found out my mobo needed to be flashed to recognize that new CPU,,,so jumping to the conclusion of the one thing u both so patiently jumped too,,,is not always correct..


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: amdwolfman
Yea well Setting it too 133 from 100 is one way..

But why would you put it like that?,,U think that is prob rite off the hop?.

He's got 33 posts,,good way to insult,and push away a future AnAndTecher,,ANYWAYS that's what was going on with me too Xp wasn't posting the actuall cpu,,,I found out my mobo needed to be flashed to recognize that new CPU,,,so jumping to the conclusion of the one thing u both so patiently jumped too,,,is not always correct..

1) His motherboard supports Athlon XP processors, and unless its a Tbred, it should be supported fully.
2) His processor is rated to run at 1.73ghz. He is currently running at 1.3ghz. What's the multiplier again on the 2100+? Oh thats right, its 13. So hmm, what would 13 x 100 be? 1.3ghz!
3) Seeing as the SK41G was just recently released, it should have Tbreds supported fully, except for the 333mhz parts.
4) This is one of the most common mistakes made with installing processors


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
I know there are some manuals out there that state the 133 is the default jumper stetting, and the board is still set at 100. If you rely on the manual, you won't think that's the problem. These people ask these questions because they don't know. Because of our experience with these issues, we should help them instead of demeaning them.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: zodder
I know there are some manuals out there that state the 133 is the default jumper stetting, and the board is still set at 100. If you rely on the manual, you won't think that's the problem. These people ask these questions because they don't know. Because of our experience with these issues, we should help them instead of demeaning them.
Precisely, and the elitist attitude being exhibited by some of the members here needs to get squashed and fast! :| There were people having this issue with the A7N266-VM through no fault of their own because the jumpers as listed in the manual were backwards to the actual setting, so even the mantra of RTFM does not always prove sage advice. Show some maturity and edit out the unnecessary rudeness so I can edit this post as well ;)


Golden Member
May 26, 2002
On the top of the anandtech page we should have a picture setting an athlon to the 133 fsb. I swear people do this so much. I admit if I was a first time builder i'd be like wut the hell too.


Senior member
Mar 23, 2002
Hey, I'm glad to see individuals like Amdwolfman, Zodder and Dapunisher in these forums. When I read the thread topic, I automatically thought about the jumper setting. Regardless what the problem or the solution is, people come to the forum to get help. If they were so good with computers, why would they come here in the first place? I think everyone's questions should be treated with some respect. Who knows? Maybe one day, the "helped" might be able to help the "helping" with a question or two.


Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2002
try not to be pricks lol

anywho, i know of a board (cant remember which one...ehh too early in the am) which had a jumper that owuld defualt to 100fsb no matter what you set the fsb in the bios to....also the a7n266-vm thing....

ppl come here to find how waht is wrong and why their computer is not working how it should...and those of us who have been down the same path (which some probably have in this case at some point) should point them in the right direction rather than telling them that they dont know jack sh*t...becuase apparently they dont...thas why they are here to find out what sh*t they need to know to have their pc function as it should...

and these ppl are, imo, alot better than the ppl who go to a store and pay twice as much more for a comptuer....they actually have the will to learn and progress...and sh*t like this just makes them step one step backwards instead of forwards...