Athlon Xp 2100+ issues


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2003
I'm running an Athlon XP 2100+ 1733 mhz @ 1950 mhz
Asus A7N8X mobo running 1002.A bios
512 Crucial PC 2700 DDR
Vantec Aeroflow TMD HS/Fan @ 5600 rpm
Powerup 350w ps from an Enermax Case
Windows XP Pro

13 mult x 150 fsb
6-2-2-2 ram timings
1.68 vcore @ 30c idle

Now I've tinkered with the bios a bit and I can't quite seem to figure out why I can't up my fsb to 166 or above. I read that people are setting their fsb up to 200+, and while I don't think my ram can withstand that high fsb, I don't see why my computer restarts when I set my fsb to 166 with my mult at 12.5 or 13.
It isn't a temperature issue, as I've never seen my cpu go over 35. Is it a voltage issue? Perhaps my ram timings are a bit too low for the proposed overclock?
I once set my fsb up to 200 with a mult of 10...and that was one of the more interesting things I've seen memory check and bios do. The memory check and such was replaced with a screen full of multicolored symbols, and bios came up as a blue screen of nothing. Any suggestions would be being a newbie. Thanks in advance!


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2003
Do you mind sharing your other settings? Vcore, ram timings, fsb/mult, fsb spread, etc, anything that would affect the stability. Seems you've got a nice oc with your XP 1700+ 1470 @ 1923.


Platinum Member
Dec 30, 2000
I'm running an XP 2100+ @ 193 * 11 = 2126. I have 2*256 MB Kingston HyperX PC3000, an Antec True Power 430, on an Abit NF7-S V.1 Tha V-Core = 1.68 , Ram at CAS2.0. ThermalTake Volcano 9 HSF.


Golden Member
Sep 18, 2001
Originally posted by: GhentX
Do you mind sharing your other settings? Vcore, ram timings, fsb/mult, fsb spread, etc, anything that would affect the stability. Seems you've got a nice oc with your XP 1700+ 1470 @ 1923.

My Vcore is 1.70. Ram timings are 2.5/2/2/6. I believe my fsb is 166


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2003
I've tried a couple of combinations, even bringing my speed down to 11x166, optimal synch'd ram timings, .5% fsb spread (default), 1.7vcore, and I can't seem to keep the computer for rebooting randomly. At the moment I've even pushed up the mult to 13.5 with my fsb at 150, vcore at 1.65, 2-2-2-6 and it runs perfectly. As I see it, I should be running 166 fsb at least to maximize my ram...but it just won't stay stable. Maybe I got a bad mobo from Asus.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: GhentX
I've tried a couple of combinations, even bringing my speed down to 11x166, optimal synch'd ram timings, .5% fsb spread (default), 1.7vcore, and I can't seem to keep the computer for rebooting randomly. At the moment I've even pushed up the mult to 13.5 with my fsb at 150, vcore at 1.65, 2-2-2-6 and it runs perfectly. As I see it, I should be running 166 fsb at least to maximize my ram...but it just won't stay stable. Maybe I got a bad mobo from Asus.

I'm sure it's your RAM. It's not built to run at those timings! I had trouble getting Crucial PC2700 to work at 2-2-2 even at PC2100 speeds for extended periods of time. Run that RAM at it's rated speed of 2.5-3-3-7 and you should have zero problems whatsoever at 166 FSB. It should be good up to about 175-180 Mhz DDR, then it craps out (at least for me). Crucial PC2700 wasn't good overclocking RAM like Crucial PC2100 was.


Junior Member
Mar 3, 2003
Must be the RAM. I'm thoroughly confused, actually. 11x166, 11.5x166, 12x166 (etc ad nauseam), with optimal 2.5-3-3-7 ram timings...all random restarts after about 10-15 minutes while running normal programs. I can run fast timings (below the rated speed) with my 13.5x150 2-2-2-6 or 2-2-2-5 with NO problems.
Maybe I need a better ps, or just some new ram...ah well, thanks everyone for their responses. I'm happy enough for a 300ish OC while keeping my temp at 31c for now ;D


Golden Member
Nov 21, 1999
I'm running my Crucial PC2700 (2x512) @179FSB right now. I agree that I don't think this memory likes to be run at CAS 2 with any kind of fiddling around, this seems to be my experience.

Did you ever figure out if it was your memory or not? I'm curious. Out of curiosty, have you tried clearing your CMOS?


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2003
running XP2100+ @ 2.3Ghz
A7N8X del Rev2.00
FSB 211 X Mult 11
Vdimm 2.8 V on Corsair TWINX XMS 3200 LLPT @ 2-2-2-11
Vcore at 1.750

SLK-900 on 92mm Panaflo H1A ( 38 C idle )

works fine for me ;)


Nov 28, 2001
crucial ram HATES CAS 2 don'teven try it. My 256 mb of PC2700 from crucial runs at 400 DDR easy with 2.8 vdimm and my 256mb of PC2100 from crucial runs at 362DDR also with vdimm of 2.8 check. So right now I run my 1700 XP at 182 x 12.5 = 2278 mhz with the ram at 364 DDR 2.5, 2,2,11 dual channel runs like a dream.