Probably because Haswell Iris Pro creams Kaveri at the same power consumption. Broadwell is only going to get better.
Are you sure ???
eliminate the CPU and see what happens with
graphics only. From
AT Kaveri review.
Core i7 4770R is 65W TDP.
Even a low 45W Kaveri iGPU is faster than Iris Pro in Bioshock. 65W Kaveri is 17% faster.
In Tomb Raider Iris Pro is ~10% Faster than 65W Kaveri.
Well, even vanilla Intel HD graphics are faster than Iris Pro. It seams that eDRAM is not always the best solution or the Intel driver is even worst than we believe.
Equal to 65W Kaveri.
So, where did you see that Iris Pro creams Kaveri at the same power consumption ?? And this is 22nm FinFet vs 28nm. Intel is way behind in graphics performance.
Also to note here that Kaveri 45W is equal or faster than the 100W Richland parts. AMD should of bring a GDDR-5 SKU even if the price was at $300+, it would completely eliminate the competition.