Originally posted by: Esoterica
I just added the ASUS P4PE into my system and a P4 2.4 from a previous AMD set up. When I boot up my IBM 40D drive I get the dual boot menu but when I try to boot as OS it crashes and re starts. When I choose Win2K it says the hard drive in not recognizable. When I swap in an old hard drive it boots up sees the IBM disk and Norton also sees the disk. (All I do is just switch the hard drive using the same cables) When I start up off the WinXP CD and run the recovery console it also sees the dual boot WinXP/2k and I can see that all the files are still there. The cables are in correctly and I checked the bios settings. What am I overlooking? I did notice that one of the pins on the IBM drive on the far right in somewhat smaller than the rest but if that damaged the drive then why can I view the files?
You are indeed a lucky person. For the most part, when changing MB's it is either neccessary and/or a wise choice to reinstall the OS. Obviously it can be done, as you have experienced, but it is probably a 50/50 proposition. Congrats. However, there are some excellent tips in the AT FAQ's here, including this one that seems to address your next project. Good luck.I changed several motherboards and just placed in a hard drive with a previous system on it and it always worked after the drivers were installed.