Asus P4P800 need help: CPU temps and voltage


Senior member
Dec 12, 2002
I need some help with my Asus P4P800. I'm running Asus PC Probe and it's telling me this:

+12V (actual: 12.088v)
+5v (actual: 5.187v)
+3.3 (actual: 2.928v) <-- it's beeping for this one
Vcore (actual: 1.52v)

Should I worry about that 3.3 volt being 2.928 instead? That seems pretty far off, and the beeping also indicates that might not be good :p That would be a power supply problem right? Is there anything that I can do about it other than replacing the power supply?

Also, my CPU and motherboard temps are as follows:

CPU (idle): 35*C/95*F
CPU (max load): 41*C/105*F

I am using the stock heatsink and fan with arctic silver now. The CPU temp seems a little higher (8*F higher) than my last motherboard (ECS L4S8A2) was reporting with this same cpu and cooling, so I am just wondering if this temperature is good or not. I had some trouble removing the metal heat pad on the bottom of the heatsink before applying Arctic Silver 3 this time (I used the heatsink pad that came on the heatsink, on my previous motherboad). I am thinking maybe I didnt get the bottom of the heatsink clean enough or something....

Lastly, I'd like to try overclocking a little bit, but what temperature should I try to stay below? I dont want to fry anything. If 95*F is high for an idle temp then I probably shouldn't push it much?


Golden Member
May 17, 2003
the P4P800 is known to over/under my 3.3V is at 3.28 and im using antec power supply...
this also could be a memory problem, what's ur PSU power level?

don't remove the black stuff on the bottom of the heatsink, jus apply ur AS3 and it should cover up the air pockets..that heatplate on the bottom of the HSF is ment to be there. but if its a "pad" or sum sort of thermal glue, yes it would be wise to take it off.

ur idle temp is normal, ur motherboard temp is not..worry about ur case cooling, ur CPU is fine



Senior member
Dec 12, 2002
Im not sure how I determine my PSU power level. All I know is that it's a PowMax 430watt aluminum power supply. Does that help?

You said "my 3.3V is at 3.28 and im using antec power supply".. that is very close to 3.3 unlike mine then. Hopefully that wont damage anything.

So, It sounds like my cpu temps are within normal range, but what gives with my motherboard temps.. I don't know why they would be so high. I have lots of fans and stuff. What should a normal motherboard temp be? What's yours?

thx for the help


Aug 20, 2002
I think the mobo temp is close to the same as the case temp. What is the room temp? If it's warm where you are, the case temp is bound to be higher. In a 70F room my temps are about 28-29C for the CPU, and 31-32C for the Mobo. I've never quite figured out why the case temp is higher than the CPU temp. Those temps are at idle, by the way. I have 2 SATA hdd's in there, and they get pretty warm to touch, so I think that might contribute. I did add a fan below the hdd cage, but haven't put a probe there to see how they're doing yet.


Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Flakk
Im not sure how I determine my PSU power level. All I know is that it's a PowMax 430watt aluminum power supply. Does that help?

Well, Powmax is pretty much bottom of the line. Maybe that's your problem, maybe it isn't.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2002
I think that's a fair possibility for the under-volting on the 3v rail, but I still would like to know why my motherboards temps are so high....


Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Flakk
I think that's a fair possibility for the under-volting on the 3v rail, but I still would like to know why my motherboards temps are so high....

Those temps are not high. In fact, they're fairly low.


Platinum Member
May 3, 2003
My CPU temps are nearly identical on a P4P800 with a 2.6 C (cpu temp doesn't vary between 2.6 and 3.3ghz, default voltage). My MB temps are similar as well (Antec Sonata with no intake, one 120mm exhaust and 80mm from PSU). I suspect the MB temperature is actually being measured on the Northbridge. The reason I suspect this is because the MB temp still soars up to 36 under full load with the side panel of the case off and a floor fan blowing air into the open case (room temp ~21C). There is no way the air "around" the motherboard is 36 at this point.

Matt F

Junior Member
Aug 5, 2010
Also, my CPU and motherboard temps are as follows:

CPU (idle): 35*C/95*F
CPU (max load): 41*C/105*F

Im having some trouble with this mobo as well, whenever my mobo gets up around 45-51 Celcius, World of Warcraft's graphics get really distorted, and forces me to reboot. Im assuming the mobo is getting so hot that the vid card begins to crash?

On my first vid card (geforce fx 5200) basically my graphics would go wacked out, and I couldnt tab out. I replaced the vid card, (2x/MO, not sure, i put the fx 5200 back in) and I would get slightly different graphic distortion but I could tab out of the game.

Note: computer works fine out of the game. Like right now.

At the moment, with windows media playing, two tabs of the internet up, and pc wizard up, here are my temps:

Processor: 22 Celcius
Mainboard temp: 43 celcius (over 100 fahrenheit)

This is with my case open near an air vent. Cleaned it out about 30 mins ago, so no dust. When closed, 1 fan pulling air in near the power supply, 2 fans on the side pulling air out.

Bottom line...get a new motherboard? Just an opinion.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Wow, blast from the past...

What case are you using? In general, you want the rear fan as exhaust, and front/side fans as intake.

Matt F

Junior Member
Aug 5, 2010
Yeah its a pretty old case, 2 fans on side are exhaust, Ill try turning em around. The rear fan is intake, located behind the power supply.

If I turn the fans on the side around, turning them into intake fans, I will have absolutely no exhaust fans, but there are vents on front and back of case.

A friend suggested buying a small home fan and set it to blow air into the back of case (through vents) and the 2 side fans pull the air out. Is that a good suggestion?