ASUS P3V4X motherboard wont let me get started...


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
I recently bought this motherboard, but when everything is connected up, the system won`t start. The power switch doesn`t react, but I have checked the cable at least a thousand times. I don`t understand whats wrong.
The motherboard recieves power at once I insert the power chord into the cabinet, and the cpu fan starts twitling.
The DIP switches are all off, and it is in jumperfree mode.



Mar 12, 2000
I had the same problem. Turns out I had just connected the system switch to the wrong pins on the motherboard. I saw the long rows of pins and then just two pins by themselves. I mistakenly thought that those two lone pins were the ones that you connect the case switch to. This was not the case.

If you are sure that you have that connected correctly, make sure the CPU is firmly in the slot. The retaining pins that came with my p3v4x are pretty worthless, so sometimes I have to slide the CPU back in (especially after I move the computer).

Also make sure the switch is on in the back (since you said you heard it whirring up, this is probably not the cause).

Hope that helps...


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
Thank you for your respond, but the pins are not the problem. I`ve been working with this problem for a couple of days now. And I have even tried to place a jumper over the two pins that are used for the pwr switch to overrun this operation and have the computer start immediatley when I plug in. But, that didn`t work either. I am positive that there is something wrong with the motherboard itself. I`ve also checked that the CPU was correctly inserted.
Last night I disconnected everything and started over again from scratch, and I concentrated on doing everything exactly as the manual said. This didn`t help me either.
Back to square one.

But, I must admit, I have never inserted a SLOT-1 CPU into a motherboard before. And I do not know how it looks or "sounds" when the CPU slips into place, but I`m pretty sure I did it right.
(Did it several times)

It looks like I have to return my motherboard to the reseller.

Again. thanks for the respond.


Mar 14, 2000
Does the green light on the motherboard light up? If not, you connected something wrong, the board is dead or possibly short-circuited. If so, then it is starting up.


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
Yep. the light is green when I plug in. And the HDD led lights orange. I am positive it has nothing to do with my connections from the cabinett to the motherboard. I have checked this a gazillion times.


Mar 14, 2000
No, not the green light on the case. There is a LED on the motherboard itself, between the AGP and first PCI slot. It lights up (green) when it's active (e.g. plugged in and turned on)


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
Ahaaaa! I see!
No. That light does not light up. Damn! I wish there was some way to fix this problem.
I am sure everything is properly connected, and I think I have to send my M.B. to the reseller for repair... :(
Well... Thank you very much for your help! I really appreciated it!


Mar 14, 2000
If that light isn't on, then there's a bad connection somewhere.
Check the following:
1) are the atx power cables plugged into the motherboard at the right place? There's only 1 way to plug em in (the plastic covering the wires is shaped so that it'll only fit in one way, not backwards), but in case the plastic molding got messed up, check to see if it's possible to shove em in the other way, who knows maybe they were in the wrong way.

2) Does the power supply work? Test it on another motherboard if you can and see if it works on that.

3) If it does work, or you can't test it, then check to make sure that all the wires leading from the case (especially the power switch one) are connected correctly. Since they cover 2 or more pins, its possible that it could be in the wrong way. Try turning them around.

4) Make sure that none of the metal on the bottom of the motherboard is touching the metal of the case. Better yet, if you've gotten this far and it still doesn't work, try taking it out and lay it on something non-conductive and that won't generate static electricity (cardboard, antistatic bag that it came in, etc), then try to get it to work.

This sounds like a lot of work, but 10-20 minutes of rechecking everything can save you days of waiting for a replacement.


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
Thank you very much for your help Pretender, but I have sent the motherboard in to the reseller to get a new one. I have already done all of the things you mentioned, and it still doesn`t work.
I`ll get a new one in a couple of days :)

Thank you for your help everyone! Escpecially you Pretender!