ASUS M5A97R2.0 Not booting with 750W PSU


Junior Member
Nov 5, 2015
I have yet to see anyone with this issue before, I have a Antec 550W PSU and it boots with that, but it when I put the 750W PSU in the CPU fan spins for half a second max and it gives up. I have wired it all up the same with both supply's but no dice. I even unplugged the GPU and nothing. I breadboarded it and nothing. Does the board see the extra wattage as a problem? Both are 80+ Bronze.


Junior Member
Nov 5, 2015
What model Antec and what model 750W PSU?

Corsair CX750M
Antec BP550
Could it be that I have one board that uses a 4pin and another that is 8pin. The 750W supply was the one that drove the 4pin one. Could it be that 4 of the pins is bad? It is something I haven't thought about.