Asus Geforce 6600 Overclock


Senior member
Jul 28, 2004
Long story short? Went abroad, had my Xbox fried by 220V. Came back and decided to turn my $500 Athlon XP 2500 with onboard Geforce 4MX into a gaming machine. Thus I purchased an Asus Geforce 6600 (non GT) originally clocked at 300/550. Just to remind you the vanilla 6600 has DDR memory instead of DDR2 of the GT version.

Anyhow. I decided to overclock it, since I had to know what it was capable of. After about 2 days of work, Coolbits gave me a maximum stable overclock of 514/655. Memory clock of 655 was not necessarily too high, but 514 for core?! I am guessing that one reason the memory did not clock higher was because of the 3.6 ns RAM. I did run Half Life 2 Doom 3 and Colin McRae 05 multiple times, for ½ hours durations with no problems or artifacts of any kind. (BTW I increased my AGP voltage from 1.5 to 1.7)

The obvious side effect was heat. Stock speeds of 300/550 yield 123F (50C), while Coolbits optimized defaults (341/634) yield 128F (53C). My result of 514/655 gave me about 148F (64C) on the video card (All temps during full load). From what I saw earlier in the forum, these temps do not look too much out of whack. But I just got the card 2 days ago and I do not want to fry it right away.

I think I have adequate cooling in my case. 2 intake fans and 2 exhaust fans. (Front, side, back, top), with 2 temperature controlled fan sensors on the memory chips of the AGP card (Not counting the power supply fans). So my questions are?

Is the core overclock too high? Is the temperature too high? Is the voltage too high? What kind of lifetime can I expect from the card if I were to keep the card with such high temperatures/voltages/speeds? Should I get an additional fan on the side panel for the AGP card? Thanks for any other advice in advance?


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
looks good. and that extreme OC on the core is because it is using the same core as the 6600gt, but it's not quite as good. That's why you can get past 500 easily.

other then that, it looks pretty good for an OC, and the temps aren't that bad. I'd take it down like a notch or two, and then you'd be set ;)