ASUS AX800XT PE VS AX800XT in Half-Life2 Performance


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2004
Well Having those 2 video cards not worrying about the money:


Graphics Engine:.......ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition
Video Memory:.........256 MB DDR3
Engine Clock:...........520MHZ
Memory Clock:.........1.12GHZ (560MHZ DDR)
Bus Standard:.........16 lanes PCI Express
Memory Interface:...256 bit DDR
Max Resolution:.......2048x1536
VGA Output:...........VGA Output (per DVI To VGA Adapter), Standard 15-pin D-sub
HDTV Output:..........HDTV cable
TV-out put:.............S-Video and Composite
DVI Output:............DVI-I
2nd DVI Output:......Yes
2nd VGA Output:......Yes


ASUS Extreme AX800XT/2DT

Graphics Engine:.....ATI Radeon X800 XT
Video Memory:.......256 MB DDR
Engine Clock:.........500MHZ
Memory Clock:.......1GHZ (500MHZ DDR)
Bus Standard:........16 lanes PCI Express
Memory Interface:..256 bit DDR
Max Resolution:......2048x1536
VGA Output:...........Standard 15-pin D-sub
TV-out put:.............S-VHS and Composite
DVI Output:............DVI-I
2nd DVI Output:......Yes
2nd VGA Output:.....Yes

What will be the difference in the framerate between those 2 having an engine clock and momory clock higher in the first one. Will it be at least 10 frames advantage ? What do you think ?

Now also will FireGL V7100 have an acceptable framerate in Half-Life2 too? what could be a framerate and framerate drop in Half-Life2 for this tough guy? I know that this is not the gaming video card and that it is more for 3d development. In this post i'm interested only in framerate numbers NOT lectures about video cards.

Give it a try !


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2000
I think the main difference is HDTV on the better card. The performance increase is hardly noticible with just a few extra Mhz.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Not much difference in these CS:S benches. You'll have wait until after the 16th for benches on HL2 itself, but the difference won't be more than the ~10% bandwidth advantage the XTPE enjoys. Assuming your CPU isn't a bottleneck, and assuming the XT hits 100fps average in a HL2 benchmark, then it's theoretically possible the XTPE will be 10fps faster. I suspect the difference in real-life will be somewhat less, tho, both b/c I don't think you'll be averaging 100fps with eye candy (AA+AF) throughout HL2, and because I don't think the video card's memory bandwidth will be the bottleneck throughout. BTW, you should be able to purchase the HDTV component out adapter separately for the XT, too. If price doesn't matter, and knowing the two cards are exactly the same except for clock speeds, the XTPE is a no-brainer. You only have to think if price is a factor at all, in which case you'll have to wait for benchmarks to see if the XTPE's higher price is justified.

Edit: I see a 10% difference here and here, which amounts to 7 and 9fps, respectively. That's at 16x12 AA+AF in maps that aren't CPU-limited, basically maximum settings. As you can see in that article, maps like Havana, which are more CPU-limited, won't show as big of a difference. I suspect HL2 will be slightly more demanding than CS:S on both the CPU and the GPU, so I'm not sure you'll see 10% differences as often. We'll find out in two days if I'm wrong.


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
i have a question too, if you had both the cards, but lets say they are the same brand

one is the x800 xt and one is the pe

if you overclocked the xt to run at the same speed as the pe, will they essentially be the same card, minus the hdtv feature?

i had a 9800 pro that i flashed to an xt a while back, and with the xt bios and same clock speeds, i yielded a couple more hundred points in 3dmark03

again, those few hundred points arent important, im just curious of the situation