Asus A8v Deluxe Bios Settings


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2005
I purchased components for and built my first PC earlier this year and recently updated my motherboard bios to version 1014. This unfortunately erased all of my previous settings.

If someone with knowledge of this motherboard could take the time to help me choose the right settings, I would greatly appreciate it. I have never overclocked, but would like to try some conservative overclocking settings for the CPU and memory.

System is:
AMD 3000+ Winchester socket 939 CPU with stock fan
1 GB (2 x 512MB) Corsair ValueSelect DDR400 RAM
WD 74GB Raptor SATA drive (main drive)
Maxtor 80 GB IDE drive (archive crap, non-gaming stuff)
Antec Sonata Case with Truepower 380 PSU
Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB Video Card (currently running 4X AGP...crashes at 8X AGP)
Lite On DVD/CD Drive
Floppy Drive

I do have a eVGA 6800 GT on the way from Newegg...should have it in a few days.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide...I've researched a lot of bios settings but I'm very confused about a lot of them, especially memory and bus settings.


Senior member
May 7, 2005
(currently running 4X AGP...crashes at 8X AGP

Off topic, sorry - I am about to buy this board and an ATI 9800 Pro - is this a problem with the board and card not playing nicely or is the card nerfed?


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2005
According to all the research I have done and the many posts at VIAarena forums, this is a known problem with Asus via chipset and Radeon boards. I have the same problems with 9800pro and 9700pro cards, which is why I am getting a 6800 GT. I plan to move the 9800 pro to an older system running on a pentium mobo.

Just google a8v 9800 and you'll see the posts with the problems...


Senior member
May 7, 2005
ouch - looks like it is an onn/off thing, either you have a problem or you don't. Any recommendations for a vid card for under $110? No gaming, no overclocking - most strenuous thing will be 2D Ultima Online. Fwiw, I currently use a 1999 ATI Radeon with 32megs in my Dell 8100 and it seems to work just fine.


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2005
Well, I tried some settings and I can't seem to get above 205 MHz without encountering boot-up problems.

Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong or perhaps recommend some settings to try?

Current settings:

HT Frequency: 800 MHz
HT Data Width: 16 bit (upstream and downstream)
Memclock Mode: Limit
Memclock to CPU Ratio: 2:1 (DDR400)
Software Memory Hole: Disabled
Bank Interleaving: Enabled
Burst Length: 8 Beats
MCT Timing Mode: Manual
CAS Latency: 2.5
TRP: 3
TRRD: Auto
TRC: 9
TRFC: Auto
TRWT: Auto
TWCL: Auto
TWR: Auto
AsyncLat: Auto
Read Preamble Setting: Auto
2T Command: Disabled

Cool & Quiet: Disabled

Primary Graphics Adapter: AGP
Search for MDA Resources: Yes
VLink 8X Supported: Enabled
AGP Mode: 4X
AGP Fast Write: Enabled
Grpahics Aperture Size: 64MB
AGP 3.0 Calibration Cycle: Disabled
DBI Output for AGP Trans: Enabled

AI Overclocking: Manual
CPU FSB Freq: 205MHz
CPU Speed/Voltage Setting: Manual
CPU Multiplier: 9.0
CPU VOltage: 1.50V
AGP/PCI Freq: 66/33
DDR Volt: 2.7V
AGP Volt: 1.6V
VLINK Volt: 2.5V




Junior Member
Aug 24, 2005
Originally posted by: teddyv
ouch - looks like it is an onn/off thing, either you have a problem or you don't. Any recommendations for a vid card for under $110? No gaming, no overclocking - most strenuous thing will be 2D Ultima Online. Fwiw, I currently use a 1999 ATI Radeon with 32megs in my Dell 8100 and it seems to work just fine.

I would go with the 6600 GT...slightly over your target budget but the card is even faster than a 9800pro:

NewEgg Link



Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2005
with your cpu you should be running bios 1009 for sure. 1014 has issues, and if your cpu doesnt require it, you should be using 1009. you should probably keep your agp voltage at 1.5v unless you are having problems. also, if you have any graphics or pci card problems, disable AGP Fast Write. not sure why you cant get above 205mhz. flash to 1009!!

also, the board has known problems with the 9800 cards. google it. you will find a lot of stuff.