ASUS A8N-SLI Premium Advice Needed


Senior member
Mar 30, 2003
Im considering this motherboard for a new build but I have no real plans to run a sli setup. One video card will be all I plan on using. I do like the fact that this has built in firewire and i like the passive cooling advantage over the deluxe. I am just wondering however if this board is overkill if I dont plan on running sli? I'm thinking maybe a cheaper epox board may suite my needs just as well since it is non sli but still has firewire. Any help is appreciated. thanks Rob


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2005
One of the main reasons I went with this board is the passive cooling. I really didn't feel like having to tear my System apart a few weeks down the road to replace a Chipset fan :(

I also liked all the features the SLI Chipset version supported - namely SATA II. The Ultra supports this as well, but I couldn't find another passive cooler with the Ultra. True, I'm not using SATA II at the moment, but too me right now there really aren't any SATA II Drives out there that are really much better than the SATA I.

Abit I think has a passive cooler MB, but I think there are some Caps that may interfere with the Video Card. As I have one of the large/longer VCs, this wasn't really an option I wanted to fool with.

I too, seriously doubt that I'll ever use the SLI capability of this board, but like I said, all the extra features on this MB made it pretty attractive.



Golden Member
Jan 4, 2004
Nothing wrong with buying this quality product. This board will last you many years, with all the features you will ever want.

One of the main reasons i bought it was for the 8 SATA ports, and the heatpipe tech. I went through 3 fans on my last Abit board.


Sep 12, 2005
I bought it and I'm not intending to buy SLI video cards. I'm running ATI. :)

However, the SLI boards do offer some flexibility as you can use the others slots in SLI mode as normal slots for expansion boards, if hardware makers would get off their duffs and start shipping peripherals (*cough* Creative *cough*)