Asus A7V266-E - in short, it's crap!


Aug 18, 2000
There goes that experiment. At work we have a dedicated machine that does nothing but output tens of tousands of PDF's based on foxpro data for our internal web based application. This process takes longer and longer as our database grows - up to 7 hours on a PIII 866. Had to do something, as the process is sneaking up to backup tape time on the server. Well, being the adventure some type, I decided to go ahead and give an Athlon XP/KT266A platform a shot. Well it's not really a test for the Athlon XP, but for VIA with the new KT266A chipset. And what better board to use then the perceived cat's ass, the Asus A7V266-E.

3 Different boards (all rev 1.07, w/ latest BIOS 1.05e from, all exhibiting the attributes I have grown to love from VIA. Random, HARD lock ups. No BSOD's, just a pure freeze that locks Win2K like I've never seen before. Sure, it would install fine and run for hours; procedure was install Win2k, apply SP2, apply latest 4in1, then the latest BM and AGP patches released 2 weeks ago. Then Windowsupdate, bigfix, blah blah every god damn patch and latest driver. Every so often, no matter what I'm doing, the thing will lock up HARD, at random. Disabled all extras, the RAID, sound controllers. Never oc'ed, and used the slowest, most conservative chipset/memory settings. DDR RAM (512MB) was Crucial CLS 2.5 - For the task we need this system to do, there is no room for failure or lock ups. Not one.

A7V266-E, 512 MB DDR, XP 1900+, Intel NIC, IBM 60GXP, TNT1 16MB.

The PDF output job was almost 90% done, in 2 hours 15 minutes(!!!), before it locked up. Too bad, would have been a record. Other attempts would lock up in less time.

Going back to the local vendor and getting a an AMD760 based board. I've wasted enough of my time trying to get something functional that should work out of the box. Our Foxpro guy of course thinks that we should just stick with an Intel platform, and I can't say I blame him, as our PIII never EVER EVER CRASHED, not once. I'm smart enough to know that it's not AMD but it's supporting cast at fault, so hopefully the AMD760 will calm nerves.

Thank you VIA for the memories, you've just reinstated my faith that you are indeed still the of chipsets.

I'm beggining to now understand what most of these asstards who write website reviews regard as "stable". As in, they really don't test real world office mission-critical stability. Running Q3 Demo1 in a loop for a day seems to be enough for them.

Notes: Yes, I'm aware that the latest, latest AGP driver may have issues due to it's register remapping. The hard locks occured with both the 4in1 AGP, and the newer AGP. Same goes for the BM driver. Yes, I'm aware the latest NVIDIA drivers are causing a stink with XP and possible 2k based via jobs. Only using the last WHQL released from them which is v21.83 not v23.11


Senior member
Jan 18, 2001
Um, dont know how relevent this is, but....i went to the asus site

<< >>

and checked out the Bios

<< latest BIOS 1.05e >>

that bios is for the Asus A7V266..not the A7V266E. not sure if that makes a diff or not...but i would think it would...


Senior member
Jan 18, 2001
clicking this Link gives you the options of several diff chipsets NOT including the Apollo KT266a. click on the Apollo KT266 and you get the A7V266 NOT A7V266E. so i am missing somthing. i would like to upgrade my Bios but the USA asus site seems to be down.


Aug 18, 2000
Um...try just using common sense like I did :)

I go to the ftp site. I look for the KT266A board section, and there it is. I don't know why you are having trouble contemplating. I have the A7V266-E, and it was clear as daylight as to how to navigate to it's BIOS location.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 1999
This is probably the most common problem when dealing with Athlon and Win2000. Have you applied the registry patch? This patch needs to be used regardless of chipset.



Senior member
Jan 18, 2001
LOL! dude! dont get all agro-n-sh!t

but i still dont see a Bios for the A7V266e. Guess it might help if i read german :)

so does the kt266 and the kt266e use the same bios?


Jul 18, 2000
You are aware that 99% of the 760 mobos out there have the 686B VIA southbridge, right? The only 760 board I know of that DOESN'T have a VIA chipset on it are the Tyan Tiger boards. You might be interested in the S2460 board. It is a dual processor mobo but the north AND south bridge are AMD chipsets (760 and 766). You might want to look into that one, but to be on the safe side get Corsair memory. Some people have had problems with Crucial memory burning up in that board. ;)


Apr 15, 2001
Another VIA heartache.

I feel your pain. I've been there. Trust me, it's not worth it. Just RMA it, or return it to your distributor.

I can't recommend the 760 boards either; unless you're utilizing SCSI. Otherwise the 686B VIA south bridge will cause endless headaches.

Your best bet is either an all-AMD chipset solution, such as Tiger MP or Thunder K7, or a SiS solution.


Senior member
Mar 17, 2001
I have built 6 amd boxes for my dad's office and they are stable, but if there is one thing that I have learned it is to use Intel chips/boards in his boxes with mission critical apps. AMD would be great for mission critical apps if you could get a single processor board with both AMD north and south bridges, or better yet a board made by them.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
Actually my friend bought one of these boards. Had it 10 days and is now trying to sell it (if any one is interested). He described it as "weird" "strange" and "I just don't like it". I forget the actual problems he was running into.


Oct 9, 1999
I suck at stuff like software so my recommendation could be useless but is you database app SMP aware? I've worked with stuff like PDF Writer and Distiller but don't know if a dual system would help. The horsepower of the Tyan Tiger MP might be worth while. The price is not much more than the Asus A7V266. The board can take standard DDR2100 if only two DIMM slots are used so your memory can be recycled.

Sorry to hear that Asus didn't work for you.
