Asus A7V + Stealth3 S540 = Blank Screen! Solution?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Okay this is my 2nd reinstall of windows to get this stupid card to work. I had it working once, but then downloaded the latest drivers off of diamonds web site and rebooted and then a blank screen. (tried to recover but no luck)

what happens is the computer boots up, does it's POST thing, the win98 splash screen appears, and then when you should see the login/password box, its a black screen iwth a white cursor in the middle and the system is locked.

I reboot into safe mode, remove the video card, install the standard MS VGA drivers and reboot and all is fine, i can go back into windows.

I have tried 3 files to get this to install

a) drivers off of the diamond CD
b) latest drivers off of diamonds web site
c) drivers that come with the win98SE disc when it automatically detects the video card.

Each one causes a blank sceen with a white cursor to appear.

Some other things i have tried

a) in the BIOS i set the AGP speed to "1" (i think, wasnt sure if i choose the right setting) Thought it might be an AGP issue. Set primary display as agP as well
b) installed the via 4in1 drivers first after clean install, but only the AGP one (choose turbo mode?)

The card was pulled from a celeron system on a abit be6, and worked fine then, this is in a duron 700 (not overclocked) with a ibm hard drive on standard ide, 128 megs of p[c133 ram, 300 wat power supply and only the video card, nothing else (other htan cd-rom and floopy etc)

Any suggestions? Perhaps im doing the file install wrong? Like Via first, then reboot, then install the driver files, then reboot, then install directx then reboot?

or somthing else maybe?
i need to get this running by 3pm this afternoon ugh!


Senior member
Feb 28, 2000
I'm sure that someone else here can answer with more personal experience than I, but I do know that the problems I've seen w/ people using the VIA chipset is that they are not installing the 4-1 drivers correctly. You can d/l the 4 in 1 that will install a set of patches, or the sets individually. You should probably get the whole 4 in 1 and install ALL the patches, then give it a go. One of them deal specifically w/ agp addressing or something, so that may be your issue. Like I said, some others in here would be more personally familiar than I with this. :)


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yah ive built so far about 20 athlon/duron systems in the past year and so far this is the only reoccuring problem that im encountering.

I downloaded the 4.25a Via 4in1 and of the 4 options i only chose the agp one.

Incidently i have now flashed the video cards bios yet that hasnt done anything to resolve the issue.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
when i booted into win98 safe mode i installed hte agP miniport drivers (4.71) then rebooted but still the same thing as well

i think now its time for a complete reinstall of the os as its probably contaminated :p



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
k, now this is the 4th reinstall of windows and this is what i did:

on the first boot up into windows, i installed hte agp miniport 4.71 driver.

REBOOTEd the system

on the 2nd boot up of the system, i then installed the S3 540 CD and ran its auto cd loading install program to load its drivers. REBOOTEd

system blue screened immediatly when it started to load win98. had to reboot

so the drivers on the Diamond CD do not work. Or at least there is some other incopatability

I just formated and im gonna do a new install, and try the via 4in1 drivers next


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Issue is resolved, i got it.

What i did after my clean install was

1) Install the 4in1 drivers (i did all 4 files)
2) installed the AGP miniport driver (4.71)
3) installed Direct X7


Then, i installed this file called JGC22.exe, which you can download here

Install those files and use them as your video drivers and all is well :)

amazing, only took me ALL of this morning to figure out, but at least the issue is resolved before my due date heh.