ASUS A7V Motherboard Support AN AMD Athlon 1.33 266 FSB CPU?


Jun 2, 2001
I have an ASUS A7A Motherboard with the BIOS 1003, and an AMD 950 MHZ CPU with 256 MB of PC-100 RAM.

I want to replace the AMD 950 MHZ CPU with an AMD Axia 1.33 GHZ 266 FSB CPU.

I am giving my AMD 950 MHZ CPU to a relative.

What upgrades do I need for my ASUS A7V Motherboard to properly run the AMD Axia 1.33 GHZ 266 FSB CPU?

I already replaced my PC Power & Cooling 275 Watt Silencer Power Supply with a PC Power & Cooling 400 Watt Silencer Power Supply.

Can I use my existing PC-100 RAM, or do I need PC-133 or PC-150 RAM?

What BIOS Revision do I need?

I plan to purchase an ASUS A7N266 Nvidia Chipset Motherboard when it comes out in a few months.



Feb 19, 2001
hate to tell you but you wont be able to run the tbird 1.33(266) at default on the a7v board

your board only supports fsb at 100mhz (even though it has settings for 133mhz fsb it wont work)
so your option is to unlock the cpu (probably already unlocked) and set the dipswitch at 12.5x this will give you 12.5x100 = 1.25ghz

or other choice is to upgrade the bios to version 1007 (1007 remapped the 12.5x to 13x)
in which case you will have 13x100mhz = 1.3ghz

yes you can use your existing ram because your fsb will still be 100mhz