ASUS A7V 266-E and 1700+ Tbred

Oct 9, 1999
Ok, I just ordered a asus board liek above and 1700+ t bred B. I have crucial 256 2100 ddr memory for now until i can get 2400. Can someone with this baord or similar setup tell me If Ill be able to get 1.8? will my ram go 150 FSB?

LMK about good stuff and bad stuff about this board

my hs/f is an AX-7 with a 80mm fan(dont know brand)

LMK overclockers! Im a n00b at OC'ing



Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2002
I have this board with a 1600+ palimino with crucial pc2100 ram and have got a 166 fsb. Since Oc'ign is such a hit or miss thing you might get the same or better, or yours might not even make 140. Just becare full and slowly up the fsb then stress test then repeat untill it is maxedout yet stabe, then back it down 2 -3 mhz and have fun.