First of all how do I monitor the cpu heat? Motherboard monitor doesn't seem to recognize this mb, could only find quite old version.
Second guide says when using 4 mem sticks, must all be same. So if I tried mix and match, can I harm anything?
Besides not being able to save the exisiting xp installation, I am quite happy with how it works. Bios update dead easy, but I miss the asus utility for monitoring fan speed and temp. Also any bios guides to help me find optimal settings? Thanks
Second guide says when using 4 mem sticks, must all be same. So if I tried mix and match, can I harm anything?
Besides not being able to save the exisiting xp installation, I am quite happy with how it works. Bios update dead easy, but I miss the asus utility for monitoring fan speed and temp. Also any bios guides to help me find optimal settings? Thanks