There is a beta Bios, released recently.
It is on this page. It is called 939Dualb7.
I am booting at 295 with no cold boot freeze since last night. This morning, I pressed the power button and it booted up. Any other beta bios I have tried at higher than 274, I needed to press the reset button at a cold start. Not this one!
Try it out.
Some people are having problems with this one too.
It seems to be a Bios file from Asrock. When flashing, it does not complain that the file is older than the current Bios, like with the beta1 or beta2.
The CPU frequency is reported correctly too at boot time.
Now, I have a warm boot freeze problem.
If I restart, it freezes! If I shut down, it powers up fine after. So, there is still a problem. But, I prefer this to the cold boot freeze.
It is on this page. It is called 939Dualb7.
I am booting at 295 with no cold boot freeze since last night. This morning, I pressed the power button and it booted up. Any other beta bios I have tried at higher than 274, I needed to press the reset button at a cold start. Not this one!
Try it out.
Some people are having problems with this one too.
It seems to be a Bios file from Asrock. When flashing, it does not complain that the file is older than the current Bios, like with the beta1 or beta2.
The CPU frequency is reported correctly too at boot time.
Now, I have a warm boot freeze problem.
If I restart, it freezes! If I shut down, it powers up fine after. So, there is still a problem. But, I prefer this to the cold boot freeze.