As Reagan once said: "Well, there you go again."

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Jun 30, 2003
What made you think that abortion is an emotional argument rather than an issue that has a direct impact on women's personal and financial health? You realize there are studies about this, right?

Same with gun laws by the way, studies there too. Guess what? They support gun control for the most part too.

edit - woops, i misread what glenn1 said. if you read what he said, i think he meant "pro life" side of things is only emotional arguments, which is by and large true.

also there have been some fairly comprehensive studies that show little/no effect of gun laws (i.e. more restrictions make no sense). the FBI did a review of the 1994 AWB, for example, and found virtually no effect. though i don't believe it was ever officially published - but you can find a copy online by googling.

not to mention gun violence is very much a symptom of two larger problems (poor mental health care and drugs/gangs. legalize drugs and watch the crime plummet)
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Nov 11, 1999
LOL at you trying to cite "logic" for what are extremely emotional issues like guns and abortion. Are you even human or some Vulcan like Spock who has never encountered earthlings before? Hell the entire pro-choice pitch is almost exclusively emotional rather than logical, coat hangers and back alleys. Gun enthusiasts aren't much better but at least cite some statistics and reasoning to support their case even if it's often done poorly.

Bullshit. Abortion is an issue of principle, of whether women have dominion over their own bodies or if they're merely vessels for procreation. Dance around that all you want.

Guns? So long as there is a wide variety available then Constitutional requirements will be fulfilled. We banned the sale & possession of certain types of firearms 80 years ago & can do more if the will of the people is such. Realistically, the worst case scenario for enthusiasts is that civilians might not be able to buy firearms & accessories best suited to the purposes of military combat & mass murder.



Sep 6, 2000
What made you think that abortion is an emotional argument rather than an issue that has a direct impact on women's personal and financial health? You realize there are studies about this, right?

Same with gun laws by the way, studies there too. Guess what? They support gun control for the most part too.

Guess what? Pass all the laws you want on either issue and there will be half the population widely ignoring them and breaking the laws everyday and willing to go to jail or fight the government to protect their right. We aren't going to chain women to hospital beds to force them to bear children and we aren't going door to door confiscating weapons. So enjoy virtue signaling with your mastubatory fantasies about highly restricting either gun control or abortion and meanwhile the two major parties will enjoy stoking the rubes like you yet again for another campaign contribution and vote.


Aug 5, 2000
Yep, Republicans are easy to play.

When taking every Repub talking point and filtering them for commonality, two things become blatantly apparent: hate and fear.

These two factors, however subtle or obvious, is incessantly delivered to those folks who mysteriously await for those messages as if they were addicted to them. A continuous loop gets created between the deliverer and the recipient that continuously builds on itself, that heightens its effect and effectiveness every time the loop swings back around for another pass.

These messages are packaged as threats. The biggest threat being the imminent threat of having their way of life taken from them, of having their rights and possessions taken from them, of having no control over their lives, of being subjugated to those who seek their demise.

The RNC have been using this ruse for decades, the pinnacle of which occurred when the south shifted en masse from the Democrat to the Repub party, due to a masterful stroke of selling hate and fear.

The downside of such a ploy is what we're seeing happening to the Repub Party right at this very moment. The omnipresent message of hate and fear distilled itself and created a concentrated pool of far right wing zealots that took control of the party away from the establishment "Old Boy Network". Along came a very very persuasive and opportunistic "Salesman of the Century" who then swooned and cajoled that irrepressible base of fired up loonies into his own sphere of influence.

Ironically, it turns out that the biggest fear the RNC created is the fear of destroying itself from the inside out.
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Sep 6, 2000
Bullshit. Abortion is an issue of principle.
When taking every Repub talking point and filtering them for commonality, two things become blatantly apparent: hate and fear.

These two factors, however subtle or obvious, is incessantly delivered to those folks who mysteriously await for those messages as if they were addicted to them. A continuous loop gets created between the deliverer and the recipient that continuously builds on itself, that heightens its effect and effectiveness every time the loop swings back around for another pass.

These messages are packaged as threats. The biggest threat being the imminent threat of having their way of life taken from them, of having their rights and possessions taken from them, of having no control over their lives, of being subjugated to those who seek their demise.

The RNC have been using this ruse for decades, the pinnacle of which occurred when the south shifted en masse from the Democrat to the Repub party,due to a masterful stroke of selling hate and fear.

The downside of such a ploy is what we're seeing happening to the Repub Party right at this very moment. The omnipresent message of hate and fear distilled itself and created a concentrated pool of far right wing zealots that took away control of the party from the establishment "Old Boy Network". Along came a very very persuasive and opportunistic "Salesman of the Century" who then swooned and cajoled that irrepressible base of fired up loonies into his own sphere of influence.

Ironically, it turns out that the biggest fear the RNC created is the fear of destroying itself from the inside out.

Example 1 and 2 of virtue signaling. "I vote Democratic rather than Republican so I'm a better person and morally superior to them. Republicans just do things because of fear and hate, I do things because of enlightened principle."


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Well, even this scares the crap out of me and causes me pause, as it pertains to my 2nd amendment rights. I believe Hillary will stack the supreme court with the kind of justices that will change these rights, if by nothing more than reinterpretation. Shes already said she likes Australia's gun buy back.This is one area of my life where I don't want action from a liberal's POV.

You have to admit to be easily manipulated by fear mongering politicians.


Jun 3, 2002
Example 1 and 2 of virtue signaling. "I vote Democratic rather than Republican so I'm a better person and morally superior to them. Republicans just do things because of fear and hate, I do things because of enlightened principle."

Ironically, your facetiousness is mostly accurate. Must suck to be wedded to such broken ideology.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Guess what? Pass all the laws you want on either issue and there will be half the population widely ignoring them and breaking the laws everyday and willing to go to jail or fight the government to protect their right. We aren't going to chain women to hospital beds to force them to bear children and we aren't going door to door confiscating weapons. So enjoy virtue signaling with your mastubatory fantasies about highly restricting either gun control or abortion and meanwhile the two major parties will enjoy stoking the rubes like you yet again for another campaign contribution and vote.

How is that in any way a response to anything I've written? You tried to equate the democrats and the republicans and they are simply not the same.

Republicans are absolutists on abortion and Democrats are not absolutists on gun control or anything even remotely close to it. The main issue is that republicans are absolutists on gun control too and they try to paint a picture of false equivalence as if the two parties were opposite sides of the same coin. They aren't. One is radicalized and the other isn't.
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Sep 6, 2000
How is that in any way a response to anything I've written? You tried to equate the democrats and the republicans and they are simply not the same.

Republicans are absolutists on abortion and Democrats are not absolutists on gun control or anything even remotely close to it. The main issue is that republicans are absolutists on gun control too and they try to paint a picture of false equivalence as if the two parties were opposite sides of the same coin. They aren't. One is radicalized and the other isn't.

Oh yes, the Republicans are absolutists. That must be why even now they're as we speak leading filibusters to repeal the restrictions on fully automatic weapons, waiting periods, mailing firearms across state lines unless handled by a FFL, bans on so called "armor piercing" rounds, trying to implement "constitutional carry" as a national standard, and repeal every other of dozens of gun control laws. They're such absolutists they've allowed the 2nd Amendment to become the most restricted Constitutional right by far.


Nov 11, 1999
Example 1 and 2 of virtue signaling. "I vote Democratic rather than Republican so I'm a better person and morally superior to them. Republicans just do things because of fear and hate, I do things because of enlightened principle."



Aug 5, 2000
Example 1 and 2 of virtue signaling. "I vote Democratic rather than Republican so I'm a better person and morally superior to them. Republicans just do things because of fear and hate, I do things because of enlightened principle."

I've never been accused of being a "virtue signalist" before. However, in the name of fair play, I gracefully accept the moniker you have bestowed upon me but humbly decline your version of what it means.

I therefore declare on this fine day in September that the term "virtue signalist" will forever and a day refer to a person who observes and opines what he/she believes to be their honest reckoning of the topic at hand, with all due respect and regard to those who agree or disagree with its newly defined definitive definition. ;)


Jun 9, 2016
Guess what? Pass all the laws you want on either issue and there will be half the population widely ignoring them and breaking the laws everyday and willing to go to jail or fight the government to protect their right. We aren't going to chain women to hospital beds to force them to bear children and we aren't going door to door confiscating weapons. So enjoy virtue signaling with your mastubatory fantasies about highly restricting either gun control or abortion and meanwhile the two major parties will enjoy stoking the rubes like you yet again for another campaign contribution and vote.

It's interesting to ponder what makes some folks put a serious matter that impacts women's livelihoods on par with a hobby. Perhaps has something to do with what PR professionals tell them how important their hobby is.


Jun 23, 2004
How does not having a vote not make the slightest difference? That sounds like a pretty big difference to me.

You quoted the very explanation.
The President will have a large impact here, especially in the absence of a united Congress.

That wouldn't make the slightest difference. The court can make up meanings behind existing laws. The administration can get away with murder so long as the other branches fail to oppose it. There's a lot of power there, regardless of the specific roles they each play. You don't have to appeal an amendment to violate one.


Sep 6, 2000
It's interesting to ponder what makes some folks put a serious matter that impacts women's livelihoods on par with a hobby. Perhaps has something to do with what PR professionals tell them how important their hobby is.

Okay, so we'll limit rights to only those who exercise those activities professionally rather than as a "hobby," Which means no First Amendment unless you're a journalist, no 2nd Amendment unless you're a police officer or military, and no abortion unless you're having sex professionally as a prostitute.

Wow I've seen some stupid arguments in my day but saying the Constitution shouldn't count when it's being used to protect that which you deem a "hobby" has gotta be the stupidest yet.
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
The 2nd Amendment is such a farce to begin with. It was about slave patrols and a regulated militia. It wasn't an individual right. They even had laws banning some weapons e.g. head ax. Even Scalia admitted that it wasn't absolute, so the Amendment was incredibly weak. Heck, that was the interpretation until well into the 2000s, which the change was made possible because the NRA in the 1970s pushed that phony narrative. Moreover, the guns back then were way less effective to be used for murdering people. A musket back then had black powder and took a long time to get a second shot.

Mind you, hunting is still supported by the majority, so rifles and shotguns would not be banned for the foreseeable future. It's all the low utility stuff that would be targeted e.g. handguns, magazines. People complain that only the criminals would have guns, but a nationwide ban is different than a state ban. We already see that with UK, Australia, etc.

EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!: Also, the 2nd Amendment was just a ban on the federal government. The states back then could have done whatever they wanted. That wasn't changed until incorporation via the 14th Amendment. A lot of gun nuts don't realize that, and part of the irony is that they hate the 14th Amendment.

LOL at you trying to cite "logic" for what are extremely emotional issues like guns and abortion.

The abortion debate IS about logic. Nobody is in existence during that period. As far as logic goes, that's like squashing a gnat. There are severe consequences if women can't get abortions, however. She can kill herself over it, have complications delivering it, not have the means to support it and tie her down from getting an education. She could be forced to bring to term a baby who has known issues or bring to term a baby from incest/rape or birth control sabotage. Etc.

Only an idiot wouldn't support allowing abortions.

Pass all the laws you want on either issue and there will be half the population widely ignoring them and breaking the laws everyday and willing to go to jail or fight the government to protect their right.

Funny, a lot of 2nd Amendment nuts think like that, BUT somehow the law works for things like marijuana or anything else they support banning.

We aren't going to chain women to hospital beds to force them to bear children and we aren't going door to door confiscating weapons.

Even though abortion is the law of the land, they have several tactics that they use to hinder women from exercising their right. If it's good for the women, it should be good for them, too!


Gun enthusiasts aren't much better but at least cite some statistics and reasoning to support their case even if it's often done poorly.

Haha. The idiots claim they can kill as much with a knife or single shot rifle in a hypothetical comparison of what could be done with a semi-auto and a detachable magazine. They won't even admit that detachable magazines and semi-auto functionality enable people to kill more. The irony to that is many of them favor a full-auto ban! Yet in most situations, semi-auto is better, and it's still possible to simulate full-auto fire anyway via bump firing. Another gem is that gun restrictions don't work. It's an asinine argument because it's just some half-*** local, state, or national law that they are referring to, and they don't even realize the blatant hypocrisy of advocating for their own bans.
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Jun 9, 2016
Okay, so we'll limit rights to only those who exercise those activities professionally rather than as a "hobby," Which means no First Amendment unless you're a journalist, no 2nd Amendment unless you're a police officer or military, and no abortion unless you're having sex professionally as a prostitute.

Wow I've seen some stupid arguments in my day but saying the Constitution shouldn't count when it's being used to protect that which you deem a "hobby" has gotta be the stupidest yet.

The point is some folks have a real hard time discerning between serious life-altering issues like abortion and their gun hobby. Thanks for demonstrating this.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Oh yes, the Republicans are absolutists. That must be why even now they're as we speak leading filibusters to repeal the restrictions on fully automatic weapons, waiting periods, mailing firearms across state lines unless handled by a FFL, bans on so called "armor piercing" rounds, trying to implement "constitutional carry" as a national standard, and repeal every other of dozens of gun control laws. They're such absolutists they've allowed the 2nd Amendment to become the most restricted Constitutional right by far.

Trying to implement 'constitutional carry' is literally part of the Republican Party platform.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

edit - woops, i misread what glenn1 said. if you read what he said, i think he meant "pro life" side of things is only emotional arguments, which is by and large true.

also there have been some fairly comprehensive studies that show little/no effect of gun laws (i.e. more restrictions make no sense). the FBI did a review of the 1994 AWB, for example, and found virtually no effect. though i don't believe it was ever officially published - but you can find a copy online by googling.

not to mention gun violence is very much a symptom of two larger problems (poor mental health care and drugs/gangs. legalize drugs and watch the crime plummet)

Actually the opposite is true, research into the effects of gun control laws has most certainly shown an effect. In addition, there is a strong correlation between gun ownership and increased risk of death from suicide, etc.