Ok. First, i was going to take my holiday money and buy myself a nice dvd player, for about $150 or so. Then, i started thinking about the PS2 and Xbox. They both offer dvd playback, plus gaming. There are lost of games for the PS2 i want, like GTA3, GT3, Madden 2002, etc. But, the xbox looks more attractive in the long run. What im saying, is will i be pissed a year from now if i get a ps2? The only game for xbox i want right now is halo, but later on i think its graphix potential is higher than ps2. So . . .
How is dvd playback on PS2 and Xbox? IS it comparable to a separate dvd player? Should i get a plain dvd, or a ps2 for the games i like, or an xbox so i will have a more long term solution? Help me . . .
A VERY confused Butch
How is dvd playback on PS2 and Xbox? IS it comparable to a separate dvd player? Should i get a plain dvd, or a ps2 for the games i like, or an xbox so i will have a more long term solution? Help me . . .
A VERY confused Butch