Armed Manlets Rejoice!


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
A study at UCLA revealed that people perceive a man to be taller and more muscular when he is toting a gun, more so than if he is holding a power drill or other object.

Participants in the study, looking at photos of men, were asked to estimate the size and muscularity of each subject. Researchers discovered that men holding a .357 caliber handgun were thought to be more that 17 percent taller on average than those grasping a caulking gun.

Why the vertical distortion? Funded by the U.S. Air Force, and part of a larger project aimed at better understanding human threat assessment, the study points to our the "fight or flight" instinct, a primitive trait that, despite our complex evolution, is still a fundamental driving force in snap decisions.


Sep 2, 2006
this thread has something for everyone! sandeagle and schneiderguy will love this!

hal will probably hate it but he would be wise to listen

i personally do not need a gun to make myself look bigger than i am, im at 305 lb now and would love it if a gun made me look smaller!


May 3, 2004
this thread has something for everyone! sandeagle and schneiderguy will love this!

hal will probably hate it but he would be wise to listen

i personally do not need a gun to make myself look bigger than i am, im at 305 lb now and would love it if a gun made me look smaller!

No one's going to be scared of a guy who's only 4'11", no matter how wide he is.
May 11, 2008
A study at UCLA revealed that people perceive a man to be taller and more muscular when he is toting a gun, more so than if he is holding a power drill or other object.

Participants in the study, looking at photos of men, were asked to estimate the size and muscularity of each subject. Researchers discovered that men holding a .357 caliber handgun were thought to be more that 17 percent taller on average than those grasping a caulking gun.

Why the vertical distortion? Funded by the U.S. Air Force, and part of a larger project aimed at better understanding human threat assessment, the study points to our the "fight or flight" instinct, a primitive trait that, despite our complex evolution, is still a fundamental driving force in snap decisions.

Most of the problematic situations in human life start from that instinct. The so called "reptile" brain is what causes so much problems in communicating in every day life. Especially if it is over active... But without, we would have nothing to kick start our conscience into existence. Until we figure out how the human brain functions, we have to learn to live with that archaic kick start BIOS.
Most people have good control over it though...


Apr 30, 2004
Participants in the study, looking at photos of men, were asked to estimate the size and muscularity of each subject. Researchers discovered that men holding a .357 caliber handgun were thought to be more that 17 percent taller on average than those grasping a caulking gun.

If you're holding a .22 derringer instead, do you look 5% shorter?

How does the effect apply to women?


Aug 4, 2007
this thread has something for everyone! sandeagle and schneiderguy will love this!

hal will probably hate it but he would be wise to listen

i personally do not need a gun to make myself look bigger than i am, im at 305 lb now and would love it if a gun made me look smaller!

i don't see the connection to drag me into this. :\ i am not a manlet.