ARMA X Anniversary Edition Question

Feb 12, 2003
So i'm going to buy this game today, i've always wanted to play Arma 2 and the add on games 'Arrowhead' etc so quite excited about picking it up.

Just a quick question, as it was only released mid last year do you think they've added all the patches to Arma 2 or will i still need to download all the patches?

Also are there any mods people would recommend? I know the gameplay is really good so i've heard so are there any graphics mods or does it look good enough on it's own?

Anyone heard or used the Arma 2 Project Reality mod?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
First off, check out It is easily the "one stop shop" for all things Arma related, including all mods and downloads.

Second off, the most popular mods, by far, are Advanced Combat Environment (2)(ACE) and the Project Reality Mod.

If you're buying through STEAM, all the latest official patches should be included, but there are a number of user mods/tweaks/patches that claim to help with AI and performance. Worth checking out, and easily found on the site.

Also, I HIGHLY recommend playing with at least one other person with some co-op, on a good server. The SP is passable as a sandbox experience, but where the game shines is as a multiplayer environment.

I've sunk about 150 hours into Arma II and Operation Arrowhead all told. It definitely is not for everyone. It has a number of wonky glitches, and some very suspect AI at times. But once you get past that, there are simply no other games on the market that come close to it's depth and breadth. Not even close.

Heck, just play around in the Armory to start out, and drive/fly all the vehicles, and just try not to be amazed.
Once you've gotten the hang of it, I'd recommend downloading one of the Co-op Mission Packs like THIS, which essentially gives you 50 new missions in one easy download.

My brother and I usually play a couple of times a week whenever we both happen to be online. With all the user made missions and mods, we're always trying new stuff. Here's some screenshots of some of our missions .:)





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Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
The way to play Arma 2 is in a community. The game does have public servers but they fail to deliver on the experience that A2 can provide. Drop by if you are a European and we'll introduce you to ACE, ACRE and train you in the RL tactics we use. Otherwise if your in the US try shacktac.


Jun 3, 2011
the only game i ever gave up on. i'd love to give it a good try some other time though.

(i got mauled in MP)


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
I have it on Steam but haven't played it much lately. It looks awesome and it's much more realistic than typical combat shooters. Has a fairly steep learning curve for all the commands as well. Even in SP with the crappy AI 9 times out of 10 I get owned by some guy I never even see. I've never worked up the balls to attempt MP :).


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
In order to survive in Arma 2 in multiplayer you need the real life tactics. The AI is smarter than most games, its accurate and quite deadly. You need to work as a cohesive team to really survive missions.

To some extent just stopping, looking and listening will get you a long way, as will using the right kit for the job. Not everyone is kitted out for spotting enemies at range. The best advice when it comes to this game is join a community that does training and can teach you how to play the game well. It'll take months to get good but you'll soon notice the difference and your tactical awareness in other games will shoot up.