Originally posted by: ironwing
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: ironwing
Originally posted by: Common Courtesy
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Sense...but who will pick the lettuce and slaughter the pigs?
it's about dammed time someone did something about the invasion from down south...Personally, I expect this to be found unconstitutional or illegal (states rights vs. federal rights) or some such bullshit, but I hope not.
Such work was done before the illegal immigration wave.
For the most part, it wasn't. Arizona/California agriculture has always relied on Mexican labor. The housing companies here have always used Mexican labor. It has been part of the business model from day one. In the Southwest there was no "before the invasion". Cheap, exploitable Mexican labor built Arizona and California agriculture and housing. I'm not advocating that it continue but there was no "good old days" when all workers were here legally.
The only reason it has become an issue in Arizona was that the laborer had the gaul to show themselves in public. They are supposed to do the work and remain hidden, like elves.
Your dreaming if you think that's the truth. We have 12 to 20 million illegals in the country.... that's after we gave 3 - 5 million amnesty in the last go around. They are spread out over the entire US, not just the border states. It's time for something to be done becasue I live over 1000 miles from the border and we are overrun with illegals here. Your addiction to cheap labor to clean your pool and do your yard work is hurting people all over the country.
The 12-20 million figure, funny how goes up a million a month, was pulled out of someone's ass. I live in a border city and no way are 1:20 people I meet everyday here illegally. It is true that illegal migrant labor has spread into other areas of the country, because the folks living in those areas are willing to hire them (community standards FTW). However, for the southwest, they've always been here, it isn't new.
What is new is that last year folks held marches. They came out of the closest and that pissed people off. How dare our illegal workers show themselves in public! This isn't a race issue, it is class warfare. We had a great thing going with exploitable labor and now that the labor's gotten uppidy, we want them gone, or at least ground under the heal of DHS so they stop being uppidy.