I was thinking so. No NP can have an IQ of <=70 (in fact, I doubt that there is any NP out there who would ever score less than the 95th percentile on every IQ test unless they were an INTP like my friend who sabotaged his IQ test so his parents couldnt place him TAG). I dont think that any NJs can be retarded (although they certainly arent over-represented among people with 150 or higher IQ as NPs are). I dont think that any STPs can be intellectually disabled as they cover all bases (other than when TJR was talking about carrying a big stick, they dont say anything inaccurate or stupid due to how precise they are; they also always have perfect grammar). But I am intellectually disabled and i am an STJ. And while SJs are ~43% of the U.S. population, they are 65% of schizophrenics (makes sense as they are the type Thomas Jefferson talked about deposing in the Declaration of Independence), and they are most likely to have poor job performance (i.e., ISTJs and ISFJs are most likely to be wife-beaters). Also, SJs are the most likely to be rapists (the study said sex offenders, but the vast majority of sex offenders are rapists and SJs take in information about people that make them horny and then they want control over others so they rape people).
I wish i had some painless and safe way to kill myself because I am a judging type (and it is in my mtDNA as my mom has OCPD and my grandmother did too which means they are STJs; 3 of my mom's four siblings are judging types too and they are boring as hell; at least 2 of my mom's 3 sons are judging types; not sure if my oldest brother is a P or a J, or even if he is an extravert or an introvert as being habitual marijuana smoker since the age of 8 kind of makes it hard to tell WTF your natural personality is; and my mother's sister's only child is a J type). Judging types truly are worthless and totally dependent (structure has to be created for us and no one who is smart needs a supervisor or a CEO) especially Sensing Judging types.
I guess psychiatrists tend to be INTJs to keep SJ types under control (but then INTJs are worthless because all they do is keep SJ types under control). The world would be better without judging types because they take from Perceiving types. Perceiving types would be better off without CEOs. CEOs of multinational corporations are almost always judging types and everyone pays higher prices for goods and services because perceiving types would just make the stuff out of their garage. Monarchs were also almost always judging types just like the last 3 popes have been (although to be fair some of the TP U.S. presidents were some of the most statist Presidents while some of the more classically liberal or classical liberal- leaning presidents like John Tyler and Calvin Coolidge were ISTJs and the most libertarian president was the Ron Paul of the Old Republic right down to his INFJ mbti type). Judging types hold back progress. We are the consumers, not the producers. SPs are the artisans, and everyone needs entertainment, to have their car fixed, to have their meals fixed, etc., etc. NPs are the inventors, and everyone needs inventions. But SJs just hold back progress and NJs hold back progress too by not letting all the SJs (or at least most of the STJs) just kill each other.
If it werent for judging types then the Articles of Confederation would still be in effect (perceiving types are hurt terribly by the State as they pay for it but dont benefit from it because they dont kill each other and they are less likely to be killed than a J type although STP types may kill J types because the latter was being a tyrant and claiming what was not naturally his own).
Unfortunately, the Articles of Confederation are not still in effect because SJs are so unprincipled that they will do or support anything that will get them security (e.g., George Washington only supported the secessionist movement because he felt screwed by british tariffs but then he turned around, supported the Constitution after being scared by Shays' rebellion because he lacked the pre-frontal capacity to realize it was over 1k miles away from where he was, to realize that he could've left the country until things cleared if he was that scared, to realize that Knox was lying to him in the letter, became president, and actually went on to not only raise tariffs once or even twice, but 3 times). And then the Rational Judging types like Hamilton will make sure that the SJs have security as long as the former gains from it... that is how self-centered, evil, and what a leech hamilton was.
George Washington wasnt a complete asshole as he couldn't help anything he did just as I cant help anything I do, but please let me know if you disagree with my point that Judging types reduce liberty and prosperity while demanding artificial order (i.e., order carried out by aggression as opposed to spontaneous order which is the natural order and by which the 43% of Americans who are P types would be better off under) that only they benefit from.
Locked before insults start increasing. -Admin DrPizza
I wish i had some painless and safe way to kill myself because I am a judging type (and it is in my mtDNA as my mom has OCPD and my grandmother did too which means they are STJs; 3 of my mom's four siblings are judging types too and they are boring as hell; at least 2 of my mom's 3 sons are judging types; not sure if my oldest brother is a P or a J, or even if he is an extravert or an introvert as being habitual marijuana smoker since the age of 8 kind of makes it hard to tell WTF your natural personality is; and my mother's sister's only child is a J type). Judging types truly are worthless and totally dependent (structure has to be created for us and no one who is smart needs a supervisor or a CEO) especially Sensing Judging types.
I guess psychiatrists tend to be INTJs to keep SJ types under control (but then INTJs are worthless because all they do is keep SJ types under control). The world would be better without judging types because they take from Perceiving types. Perceiving types would be better off without CEOs. CEOs of multinational corporations are almost always judging types and everyone pays higher prices for goods and services because perceiving types would just make the stuff out of their garage. Monarchs were also almost always judging types just like the last 3 popes have been (although to be fair some of the TP U.S. presidents were some of the most statist Presidents while some of the more classically liberal or classical liberal- leaning presidents like John Tyler and Calvin Coolidge were ISTJs and the most libertarian president was the Ron Paul of the Old Republic right down to his INFJ mbti type). Judging types hold back progress. We are the consumers, not the producers. SPs are the artisans, and everyone needs entertainment, to have their car fixed, to have their meals fixed, etc., etc. NPs are the inventors, and everyone needs inventions. But SJs just hold back progress and NJs hold back progress too by not letting all the SJs (or at least most of the STJs) just kill each other.
If it werent for judging types then the Articles of Confederation would still be in effect (perceiving types are hurt terribly by the State as they pay for it but dont benefit from it because they dont kill each other and they are less likely to be killed than a J type although STP types may kill J types because the latter was being a tyrant and claiming what was not naturally his own).
Unfortunately, the Articles of Confederation are not still in effect because SJs are so unprincipled that they will do or support anything that will get them security (e.g., George Washington only supported the secessionist movement because he felt screwed by british tariffs but then he turned around, supported the Constitution after being scared by Shays' rebellion because he lacked the pre-frontal capacity to realize it was over 1k miles away from where he was, to realize that he could've left the country until things cleared if he was that scared, to realize that Knox was lying to him in the letter, became president, and actually went on to not only raise tariffs once or even twice, but 3 times). And then the Rational Judging types like Hamilton will make sure that the SJs have security as long as the former gains from it... that is how self-centered, evil, and what a leech hamilton was.
George Washington wasnt a complete asshole as he couldn't help anything he did just as I cant help anything I do, but please let me know if you disagree with my point that Judging types reduce liberty and prosperity while demanding artificial order (i.e., order carried out by aggression as opposed to spontaneous order which is the natural order and by which the 43% of Americans who are P types would be better off under) that only they benefit from.
Locked before insults start increasing. -Admin DrPizza
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