LOL that's hilarious. That's gonna suck to fix lol.
Maybe that will be the key to taking down skynet once it goes online.
I was watching something the other day on my tablet and then the video started to skip and pause, then the PC became largely unresponsive.
Oooooohhh, Windows is downloading 4300 terabytes of updates again, and with multiple installation processes running it's maxed out my processor. And it always pops up the "Do you want to restart your computer now?" window and grabs focus, which has some convenient hotkeys active. I've caused some accidental reboots thanks to that because I was typing and happened to be hitting the key to trigger the Restart Now button.
At least they stopped the countdown-to-restart thing that Windows XP did, which was a giant middle finger from Microsoft.
The Windows approach to updates is "The update process is going to run because I say you're not doing anything important. Updating!!"
Also fun: Turn off the tablet because the battery's running low, only to find that it's going to attempt to install 13 updates. That then kicks the processor into high gear, increasing the power drain.
"Please do not turn of--"