Are you satisfied w/ your Colleges, Majors, Future?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
yeah well it's that time of year... College applications, deciding your future, etc. I was curious what success/failure stories people have with their experience and majors. And what they could change if they had the chance. As of now I'm aplying to business schools... NYU Stern, U of Maryland Smith, Penn state Smeal, BU school of management, etc. I don't know what I want to major in...probaly finance. Then I want to go to Graduate law school (corprate law?). Have any of you advice for these fields... what have learned? Does the college matter, is it connections, is it all about graduate school? I don't have any specific question, just general impressions.


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2001
well... if you have a 4.0 from Harvard undergrad, it will look a lot better than if you have a 4.0 from U-Mass or something. Even a lower GPA at the better school looks better.

However, if you're going to law school, the law school application, interviews, LSAT, etc are really whats going to determine if you get in. I still suggest you go to the best undergrad school you can... beecasue if you do well, it will increase the chances that you get into the best possible Law school. Moreover, if you decide you don't want to do law... a good undergrad school will still benefit you... b/c you'll probably wnat to get a Masters, MBA, PhD, MD or whatever.

I went to MIT for undergrad and for my Masters. NO REGRETS (other than these pesky loans I'm paying off). But I've got some world class connections in various businesses and industries as a result of people I met at MIT. So, that is a big plus. Also, companies think the name is some big bonus!! So, the pay scale has not been stingy for me.

And... if I wanted to go to business school, I'm sure MIT background wouldn't hurt.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
I'm a management major at Rutgers in NJ. I graduate next year and I have no idea what I am going to do when I graduate. All I know is that I don't want to be in retail sales, HR, operations, and anything to do with customer service.

I've been thinking about going to grad school for an MBA in Strategic Management. I have to take my GMATs next year before I graduate. I hope I do good. I'll just stay at Rutgers for my MBA, but If i get 700+ I'll apply to the U of Chicago. I know there are lots of better schools with the same criteria for accpetance, but this is my dream and not yours.