Yes! All the time! It
so fits my lifestyle, since I'm one of those annoying persons who says things like, "It
so fits my lifestyle."
There's a Starbucks in the middle of Doylestown, one of just about the only chain places of any kind there, thank Gawd. It's housed in a old, idiosyncratically laid out building. Down a short corridor from the serving/buying area is another room that features a number of deeply comfy, heavily padded chairs, complete with a fake, gas-fired fireplace. You can hang out there forever, should you wish, even if you're black!
$4 coffee is like $200 sneakers . . . a brilliant marketing move but not something I'm really drawn to, you know? But I do like their milkshake-like fruity-fruit concoctions, the name of which I forget (oh yeah, frappuccino!) that Hunter, my barrista (ok,
that's a lie) hipped me to the fact that you can ask them to add extra "industrial" fruit syrup to them for free. -- ok, it was some nameless (to me) young girl behind the counter who told me that. She probably just wanted to get into my pants . . . not
me, just, literally, my pants!
Anyway, yesterday I went there for my daily half caf triple foam soy latte with free range cinnamon and the place was closed! I was . . . inconvenienced! Thanks, Obama!
Not only that but there were several . . .
negroes . . . inside. Everything I hold dear is being stripped from my life. Where will I find a safe place of ease and condescension now? Trump was supposed to fix all this!