Are you behaved? The reason I ask is because you seem to be very ignorant. So that leads me to believe that you really have no understanding of the appropriate forum behavior. To someone who believes in the forum well enough to tell you about the free gift you can receive, called THE BANS. The bans is the only way you will enter the kingdom of purgatory. You have to believe with all your heart that THE OMNIPOTENT FORUM OVERLORD sacrificed his only begotten ADMINS for all our sins. You also must believe that ADMINS died on the cross, were buried and resurrected in 3 days. I will pray for you that you allow yourself this gift and become a true Forum member in the army of the FORUM OVERLORD. If you choose to remain ignorant lost soul, enjoy your life in aolchat.
5/10 (some days modding the forums feels like dying, that's for sure)
5/10 (some days modding the forums feels like dying, that's for sure)
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