Are These Insects???


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Well, Corkyg, in CCleaner Update thread, Bless Him, asked if I had gotten the free upgrade in MBAM Pro. Was good, cause I didn't know I needed to do anything to get it.

I got it.

Just ran the first scan using this new build. It found three things, only one of which it initially said I should quarantine.

But I got scared so chose to quarantine all three instead of making either an exception or do ignore once. Cause I did not know what they were.

Then I rebooted as asked.

Isn't System32/Reboot64 something we need?

And, another was something related to PM search I think.

I am posting cause maybe I should restore one or more of these, just not sure.

I live in fear of insects. Right now can't differentiate between potentially unwanted, but not insects....and actual insects.

Should I restore the two items MBAM said were optional (out of the three it found) which I chose to quarantine???

Thanks in advance for any info!

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Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Those are Potentially Unwanted Programs, a.k.a. PUPs. They are a form of spyware - mostly harmless, but they allow their "owners" the abnility to keep track of what you do. I always quarantine them, and if nothing is amiss, I eventually delete them. They usually come as baggage with freeware such as Firefox or Chrome. "Insects" is a good term. :)


Senior member
Apr 10, 2009

I can't get past that. WTF is that? I've seen TFT screens with tiny insects in them, and I've seen an old floppy disk drive get invaded by ants, though it'd still work......


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013

I can't get past that. WTF is that? I've seen TFT screens with tiny insects in them, and I've seen an old floppy disk drive get invaded by ants, though it'd still work......


Believe it or not, I discovered the people who wrote my new, not cool to others, but way cool to me, systray clock, offer FREE animated desktops: one is of COCKROACHES running around yr desktop, another is flies running around.:eek: I am not making this up. Hold on.

Yes, also butterflys. But even those would creep me out if they moved around.

My worst nitemare. Insects of any kind cept for ladybugs. Started when I was very little.

When I diagnose a friend's system as infected, I think of it as inFESTED with insects. When I clean it, in my sensibility, am killing insects. ():)
Edit: I should add, now, all my friends call system infections insects. lol I will get a text saying "I think I have INSECTS!"

It isn't always insects, but sometimes, it is. I have given up trying to show people how to protect their computers, forget, make it fun.... cause as smart as they all are, they do not wanna know.
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Those are Potentially Unwanted Programs, a.k.a. PUPs. They are a form of spyware - mostly harmless, but they allow their "owners" the abnility to keep track of what you do. I always quarantine them, and if nothing is amiss, I eventually delete them. They usually come as baggage with freeware such as Firefox or Chrome. "Insects" is a good term. :)

Yes, I know wut PUPs are, always have. Even tho this new MBAM which I do not like, said only quarantine one, I did all of them with the premise someone might arrive saying yes, put the reboot64 back, it was a false positive. The system seems fine with all three in quarantine so far, so perhaps I will just empty that folder.

This new MBAM is intrusive. I configured it not to start with Window,s but it does anyhow, and it starts a scan. Then, I choose not to run real time protection, been doing that for a long time, but this version slides out a GIANT GUI SCREAMING you are not PROTECTED, BE-ATCH!!! Fix it now! Turn on real time protection!!!

If I wanted to do that, I would have done it, also in the last version.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
K.....someone find below NOT MAJORLY ANNOYING? I am to try to configure this new one more. Or else, I might just go back to the original one. Not annoying enuff in the main GUI, they have to slide out a second one.


And, were than not disgusting enuff, see below. Does anyone see any BOXES CHECKED? And yet, it starts with Windows anyway, and starts a scan. All by itself. This new one is OUTTA CONTROL.

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
I found only one thing I thought changing might put this thing right: I put the bullet re below to disable.

Tho that bullet is redundant given my other settings as I have configured them. Should be, I mean. I will now reboot and see if this newly rogue thing stays where I want it to stay and I can, as usual, run it manually when I choose.

I am wondering, do others here with the Pro version after getting the upgrade all let it start with windows and let it run in real time? Am I the only one who doesn't wanna do that?



K, moving that one bullet did it. I rebooted, Windows loaded, and the new MBAM remained silent in its program folder. I guess I can't get rid of "The SKY will FALL IF U DON ENABLE REAL TIME PROTECTION; Wut part of this R U not GETTING?!" I will have to live with, but at least, now, I do not have to break up with the new build.
Yep, I just opened it and there were the two guis with the SKY WILL FALL warnings. VERY INSULTING.

And, another issue: until this build we could choose either the quick scan or the long scan. No more! Now, it seems there is only one long scan available.

Someone at MBAM is either paranoid, on crystal or both. Bet he is also a fan of Chris Christie.:whiste::sneaky::thumbsdown:
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Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
OK - I see by your screenies you are not quite there. I went to my Win 7 machine and this works. Booted several times, and not a peep out of Mbam. This screenies will illustrate. First, go to Settings in main menu. Then go to Automatic Scheduling:


From there, you go to this:


Note thst I have changed Threat Scan to WEEKLY. Same for Update.

I rebooted (cold) and checked the Dashboard:


We are fully protected. No intrusion! If you want a quick scan, click SCAN NOW and then select HYPER. Takes just a bit over a minute.

Hope that helps. :)
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
But Corky, I am the little Ninja and did all the right for me settings initially. But pls get I did fix it re starting with windows. As per a screenie above, I needed to move the bullet in advanced settings to NO PROTECTION. Even THO I had unchecked the BOX "Start with Windows" Immediately, also in advanced settings, after getting it.

So first, you must move that bullet. Configuring all You put up, I had already done but that doesn't stop it from starting with Windows and scanning SOMETIMES. I mean it, this thing is not written as meticulously as all the previous builds.

Now that you say there is still a short scan, I will open it again and look. Maybe I missed it!

Yours is so beautifully free of ominous red....cause you choose active protection. lol

On another system a long while back, I had both MBAM Pro and Superanti Pro. I emailed Superanti----amazing humans, so fabulous---asking if I could run both in real time with no issues. That was when I was big into doing that. They replied, "Not a good idea, can cause conflicts. Please only run one of us in real time, and we hope you choose us!"
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
New Screenie. Notice the 'never.' I configured that right after getting this build.

But unless I let it run in real time, I will be plagued/assualted by "The Sky Will FALL; U Will be infested by Insects almost Immediately!"....big Reds whenever I open it. Both guis. New version of BSOD; this is Red Screen of Impending Death.

Sorry, this is arrogant, Fascistic and insulting.

And, I disabled "notifications" stupidly hoping that would stop the ominous reds. But...NOTHING WILL. Until they fire the new guy strung out on crystal who wrote this thing, and they hire someone else to rewrite it.

I truly appreciate your having gone thu all that trouble!

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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Returned from weekend report:

I am disgusted and ashamed, but the angry, ominous REDS were making me nauseated. I mean it.

Just before I was about to go back to the older build, I delved. I learned this new build has far better detection rates than former builds. Dramatically better. When I learned that, I accepted I had to cave.

So, yes......I turned on run in real time. But I TRULY RESENT I hadda do that.:mad: Our technology is posed to work for US. We are posed to be able to configure apps to our needs.

Thank U.
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Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2013
Very late update:

First time in my life I ever did anything like this.

Even after letting the new build Pro run in real time, and tring to get the thing to leave me alone re the Angry went on at times just showing up and saying this and that.

I got insane. I hated it sooo much.

I delved and discovered the free version, the new build, includes the new rootkit database, so, I decided to bite the bullet, uninstall my Pro version altogether and just get the free version which can not run in real time or present the angry reds.

I did that (pitiable, i know) THREE TIMES. WHY? because each time, the new "free" version installed as my paid for, PRO version!!!!!

then, I finally looked more carefully at the interface and suddenly saw an option to undo/rescind my LICENSE, which would mean I would be running the free version finally.

I did that. First time ever with any app.

So, now, no more Angry Reds, cept the free version gui naturally asks me, tho not by pop up, jus a tiny static red circle.... to upgrade to my old Pro. I would rather eat worms.

I still can't believe I did this.....but it was the only way to save my sanity.

And now, it leaves me alone; it does nothing by itself; it does not impose its agenda on my system. I open it, update it and run a scan manually. That's all I wanted to be able to do, but could not with this new pro build.

Same engine, same database, same detection rates, none of the annoying, gratuitous, Fascistic crap.

I guess, once in a great while free is better than paid for.

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