Are there enough banners on the front page?


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
C'mon, at the bottom, in site news, there is one "news update" today... and two 468x60 banners.

Also, IE5.5 renders IFRAME's a lot slower than IE5 did, and there's about five 468x60 banners, not to mention the several other small banners all over the site.

Isn't that a bit much? :|


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
I'll "bicker" if I want.

I feel that there are too many banners on the front page. I feel that the "great" thing that AnandTech is doing is "greatly" diminished by that.

I have a right to my opinion, so deal with it.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
> If he was anything like corporate people, he'd charge your ass.

umm ... well if he charged people then i suspect that noone would come here. like anyone in their right mind would PAY for quake3 benchmarks when several other sites do the exact same thing for FREE.

and it appears anand has sold out to the corporate people (judging by the volume of banner ads, which i might add is one reason i rarely come here anymore)

> Quit bickering.

so i suppose that since this site serves the public with information, that the public isnt allowed to voice their opinion about it? interesting.


Oct 9, 1999

if they bother you so much, use something like atguard.

You can complain when you maintain a site like Anandtech.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
Look, all I said was, they were a bit much. Five 468x60 banners on a single page, c'mon.

What bothers me is people like Paulson immediately acting like I have no right to an opinion.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
a valid complaint and the accusation of troll flies wild. how fitting.

im not against banner ads, actually im for them because they help to maintain sites i enjoy reading. i am against excessive usage of banner ads (on the front page i count no less than eleven different ads)

if walmart started shoving advertising down your throat when you walked in the door you would complain about it. by your logic you shouldtn complain because you have never ran a store like walmart.

that line of thinking is completely absurd.

i dont care if he keeps all the ads on the front page, let him. ill just read a different hardware review site that isnt so banner ad happy (which is what i do now for the most part)


Oct 9, 1999

<< if walmart started shoving advertising down your throat when you walked in the door you would complain about it. by your logic you shouldtn complain because you have never ran a store like walmart.

that line of thinking is completely absurd.

what?? i think it's time to pull your head out of your ass.

<< i dont care if he keeps all the ads on the front page, let him. ill just read a different hardware review site that isnt so banner ad happy >>

don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
> what?? i think it's time to pull your head out of your ass.
> don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

i see the possibility of an adult conversation isnt an option on this board.

although you are right about one thing, im leaving. i see no reason to sit through this petty childishness any longer than this post.

i highly suggest you compare the shear number of ads on the frontpage here to the frontpages of other hardware news and review sites. you will find an average of about 2 ads everywhere else. anandtech isnt any better than alot of those others so why does he have to have 5 times the advertising? ponder on that for a while.

yeah i think its ok for him to have ads, ive not a problem with it. i think he needs to severly scale the number of ads back.

good day


Oct 9, 1999
there is nothing you can do about it. I would prefer the site without ads too...but that's the trade off for such a great site I guess. There are a lot of ads, but they don't bother me and thats not what catches my eye when i go to the front page...the list of the latest reviews does, or the webnews headlines.

You don't have to come in here announcing you will read another page instead because of some silly banner ads. And like I said...if they bother you so much, there are programs to filter out all advertisements. Anand has given me these kickass forums for one i will be quick to defend the site :p :)



Senior member
May 30, 2000
Hey I don't see them so I don't care,and some of you might get mad but you know what I am not gonna click them anyways just like how I don't buy things over the phone. So why should I have to see them. If this site had affiliate links I would use those like I do on other sites I frequent.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
Paulson, you are completely missing the point. We all know ads are what keep just about every site alive. Go visit other sites. None have five full-size 468x60 on the front page. None take as long as AnandTech to load. They get by just fine.

The public audience is what makes AnandTech what it is, and I'm telling you that I have a right to opinion as much as anyone else. Frankly, I don't like all the banners being shoved in my face.

Sure, I could go to other sites. I will, now. However, if I hadn't like AnandTech, I wouldn't have said anything, I would have just left silently.

If you have a problem with other people expressing their opinions, maybe you should quit visiting public forums. Otherwise, deal with it.


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000
It's nice to see you are resorting to petty insults such as &quot;you're not very smart&quot; since you obviously can't offer a valid argument on the subject at hand.

Welp, I've made my point here and as you can see, several people agree with me. AnandTech was a good thing but they've recently lost my respect since they obviously do not care much about their users, stuffing tons of banners in their faces.

(BTW, I noticed you are a &quot;Diamond Member&quot;, and jeeze... I feel sorry for all the people who had to live through your posts...)


Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2000
dhocan i can totally see your point however there is a quick solution, like someone mentioned to use some type of ad filtering prog, it will make your surfing much enjoyable.

as for the front page being bloated with ads, well, the bottome line to everything is money, its anand's site, its his life his decision, hell, why dont you email anand himself and ask him about it, hey, perhaps you might get an answer.

as for our inhouse village idiot, dont take offense to him, just becuase &quot;he has been here longer&quot; it doesnt mean crap. this is a great community, but like ever community we have the good things and the bad things, we just have to learn to ignore the uglyness. why must some ppl have this superiority thing just cause they have been &quot;here longer&quot;? i dont know. but you are welcomed and encouraged to stay, but then again if you leave no one will miss you. facts a fact.

have a great day, cause it friday :)



Junior Member
Sep 28, 2000

Well, I don't have a problem with ads. Like someone earlier mentioned, ads are good. They allow places like this to exist. There has to be a line, I feel, between not too many and too many.

Regularly, when I load AnandTech, it takes several seconds, and sometimes up to four of the five banners are exactly the same. Like I said in my first post, when I loaded the site last night, in the &quot;Site News&quot; section at the bottom, there was one news update and two banners. They were also exactly the same banners. That does not provide a very enjoyable browsing experience. Would you watch a two hour television show if one hour and 20 minutes of it was a commercial? I think not.

I'm starting to rant, and I don't want to do that, so I will end with this: AnandTech has good content, but it's being overshadowed by the banners. As for ad filtering programs, I don't mind ads, and I think they are a good thing, if not overdone. They ad color/flash to a site, they allow sites like this exist, but they can also detract from it greatly.