Subject line says it all, really: are there any motherboards not yet out but announced (or even rumoured) that are likely to support x16/x16 Crossfire?
I guess I'd be surprised if there are. AMD successfully converted the ATI RD600 chipset from x16/x16 to x8/x8 (if you believe the conspiracy theories) and I can't imagine AMD allowing ATI to release any new chipsets offering high-end support for Intel CPUs. Similarly, I can't see Intel releasing any new chipsets to support high-end graphics cards that are now sold by AMD. But it'd be nice to be proved wrong....
I guess I'd be surprised if there are. AMD successfully converted the ATI RD600 chipset from x16/x16 to x8/x8 (if you believe the conspiracy theories) and I can't imagine AMD allowing ATI to release any new chipsets offering high-end support for Intel CPUs. Similarly, I can't see Intel releasing any new chipsets to support high-end graphics cards that are now sold by AMD. But it'd be nice to be proved wrong....