Are there any good Diablo style games out right now?


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
Looking for something to hold me over to Diablo 3 comes out. Something with good graphics, any suggestions?


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
Also, is there a sci-fi equivalent to Diablo? Something with guns instead of swords and magic


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Titan Quest
Torchlight (single player only)
Torchlight 2 was just announced and will have coop, and will be out before D3


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Dungeon Siege
Dungeon Siege II (much better)
Space/Star Siege (can't recall the name exactly, just ignore it, it is total crap)


Sep 5, 2000
Sacred 2 was a great game. The dialog was campy as all hell but if you want complex character leveling it is the best ad the art direction was sweet. Play hardcore. I spent a good amount of time playing that game last year.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
There's also Divine Divinity, it's often forgotten, and I thought it was (and still is) great, I bought it on very recently (two months ago) based on the recommendations I received when I made a similar thread on another discussion forum, I had doubts because... well, the game is old, not just about the graphics but the game-play mechanics, then I bought it, and I certainly do not regret it, I've yet to complete it however, I play it occasionally but it's a nice time burner in the veins of the action-RPG genre (although Divine Divinity is a bit more complex than just being an action-RPG).

At the moment though, and from "recent" releases, the only real Diablo clone we have is Torchlight, in my humble opinion. The others are similar of course, but they all tried to reinvent a few things left and right, often failing at it, sometimes doing it decently. If you want good graphics there's only one choice in my book and it's Sacred 2, but be aware that it has a price, and that is stability, it is known to be filled with various small bugs and stability issues, some people claim to have never experienced a single problem with it, others claim the game is barely playable, it's very volatile apparently, in my case I had to remove the grass entirely, play under Windows XP compatibility mode and add a command line to the game's launcher to make sure that the game wouldn't crash or freeze after some time, and so far (crossing my fingers) I haven't had a problem with it, but truly and I repeat myself, Sacred 2's biggest advantage is certainly the graphics, especially the shadows and lightning effects (mostly noticeable at night) and the water, it's just pure bliss for the eyes.

Lastly but not least I would recommend Titan Quest: Immortal Throne, with the community-made unofficial patch which in my opinion is essential. Additionally, TQ's graphics are quite good, not as good as Sacred 2's, but still good by today's standards, I just don't like the animations much, but otherwise it's a fine game, it could have been better in my opinion but it's alright, my only real complaint about it is the amount of time it took for it to become interesting, it was really painful to go through Act I without anything interesting going on and having to complete all those generic quests from NPCs we don't give a damn about, but I guess that it's also a principle that applies to Torchlight and many other similar games around, the problem is that it seemed to be more prevalent in TQ for some reason, it's just very long before it starts to get interesting, and the enemies' variety is lacking a lot during that time. And the same thing goes with the items, the drop rates for interesting items (at least on the Normal difficulty) are just pathetic, but I guess that it also depends on luck (or bad luck, in my case).

Anyhow, you've got multiple choices, there's more than what has been suggested so far but most of them may be too old for your tastes especially if you want decent or good graphics. If what you want really are graphics to start with then you don't have many choices, I would say Sacred 2, Titan Quest, Dungeon Siege II and Torchlight, in this order.
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Golden Member
Feb 8, 2010
Sacred 2 was a great game. The dialog was campy as all hell but if you want complex character leveling it is the best ad the art direction was sweet. Play hardcore. I spent a good amount of time playing that game last year.

I honestly don't know how anyone can call Sacred 2 a great game. The company that made it went under because it was such a huge failure. I found the game to be terribly uninspired and lacking clear direction. I also didn't find the graphics all that impressive. Oblivion had better graphics and ran much better on my PC.

I can't believe that Torchlight 2 is coming already. Weren't they working on an MMO version of Torchlight, or was that some other game that I'm thinking about?


Sep 5, 2000
I honestly don't know how anyone can call Sacred 2 a great game. The company that made it went under because it was such a huge failure. I found the game to be terribly uninspired and lacking clear direction. I also didn't find the graphics all that impressive. Oblivion had better graphics and ran much better on my PC.

I can't believe that Torchlight 2 is coming already. Weren't they working on an MMO version of Torchlight, or was that some other game that I'm thinking about?

yeah i dont really know why I liked it so much as I am ruthless in my dislike for most games. The things I can say about it is the character progression is VERY complex so I think it appealed to me on that aspect. I took the time to figure it out and understood how to get the best out of the "no going back once you make a pick" style. You can make wrong choices in building your toon and be fucked on harder levels with no recourse but to start over. I like games that are hard like that.

I also never had any stability problems.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2005
I might have to check out Sacred 2.

I just finished Titan Quest: Immortal Throne (the expansion pack). If you get it, be sure to get both the base game and the expansion (or Titan Quest Gold, which has both), but only play the Immortal Throne because it includes the entire base game plus more. It's often on Steam for $5-7 for the Gold version, which is definitely worth the money.

I really enjoyed it. It isn't simply in the Diablo genre, but it's pretty much a Diablo 2 clone with some minor changes (for the better IMO). You choose two different classes with each character, so there are 36 class combinations. That makes for a lot of variety. There are mods and as already mentioned the very necessary unofficial fan patch found here.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Also, is there a sci-fi equivalent to Diablo? Something with guns instead of swords and magic

Hellgate London would fit that description. I couldn't force myself to finish it though, since it is so repetitive and boring.


Jun 17, 2010
Weren't the servers taken down a while ago?
Doesn't stop you from playing single player mode, it is fairly good though. However I still can't figure out why anyone in their right mind would think it would make a good pay to play game.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2004
I really need to finish Titan Quest and Immortal Throne. I got as far as Egypt (Act 2) and lost the will to keep going. The new game from the folks that once made up Iron Lore doesn't look nearly as compelling.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2005
I really need to finish Titan Quest and Immortal Throne. I got as far as Egypt (Act 2) and lost the will to keep going. The new game from the folks that once made up Iron Lore doesn't look nearly as compelling.

Acts 1 & 2 are somewhat meh, but I thought things really picked up at the start of Act 3. It got a lot more difficult after that as well, which is good because I found Acts 1 & 2 to be too easy.

I might try the mod that adds a ton more monsters to make things more difficult and make the level progression faster.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Every time I start playing an action-rpg because I miss diablo2 it ends up being disappointing..

not because the games are bad (TQ:IT was good enough for meto play through), but without the multiplayer aspect I just get bored

Sure TQ had mutliplayer, but there were barely any players and trying to join games was flat out painful...

I only lasted about an hour w/ Torchlight; I simply could not get into it.. knowing there was no online play killed any incentive I had to keep going (reading about how it would eventually be playable online probably did not help)

Never have this problem with any game I play, except ARPGs


Junior Member
Jul 31, 2010
I say that you should get life to hold you over until D3 comes out because you won't have one when it does! And neither will I. :p


Diamond Member
May 31, 2004
Alien swarm. Never played titan quest.

Maybe it was just the day but I got Sacred 2 from gamefly, tried to play it twice, lasted about 20 minutes and i shit you not fell asleep while playing. both times. Returned it after that.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2008
Alien Swarm is a pretty good sci-fi type game in the same vein. Its not a huge game though and there honestly isn't that much variety, but its free and amusing for a few hours at the least.