Are emoticons appropriate in work related emails?

Jun 18, 2000
I was thumbing through some of my older support correspondence with various clients, and I noticed I used ":)" on several occasions. A coworker, who was looking over my shoulder (why, I don't know), ribbed me for being a little too friendly dealing with clients. What's the word on emoticons in work emails? Is it ok? Fruity?

I've never had more than one ":)" in a single email. It isn't like my emails look like Nefrodite's posts. I'm just trying to be friendly - help lose the "big bad company" image.

words searched for before posting thread:

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
I think it really depends on entirely who you are talking too.

If you are sending an email to the CEO of a big company, and protocol would be a formal and business like response, then no, smileys would probably not be appropriate.

If you are emailing back an end user, or a customer you are fairly laid back with then a wink or a smile every once and a while isn't going to rock the boat.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
emoticons are thee to help us make text based communication more easily understandable to others. I use smiles in my email correspondence with clients whenever I feel it's appropriate.

Btw, being pleasant with clients goes a long way to disburing the average end user's fear of computers and will often get them t relax enough that they can listen to and follow whatever solutions to their problems that you are trying to walk them thru. :)


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I try to not deal with people who don't have emotions.;) Of couse I pull a beer from my small fridge during/after work and drink in my office too.
Jun 18, 2000

<< Btw, being pleasant with clients goes a long way to disburing the average end user's fear of computers and will often get them t relax enough that they can listen to and follow whatever solutions to their problems that you are trying to walk them thru.:) >>

Oooo good point. Most of our clients are very smart - phD and degrees in chemical sciences - but they spazz out when something goes wrong with our app or the network. I try to be friendly enough to get them listen to me.

<< Of couse I pull a beer from my small fridge during/after work and drink in my office too. >>

You hiring?