So, I've had this overclock running for about a year and it was stable. Recently, applications have started crashing sporadically, but no boot problems. Most of the time it's still fine, but when I play games it starts crashing much more quickly. I checked temperatures with intelburntest and it goes through 40 passes fine. The cpu is a e4500, and motherboard is a gigabyte g45 ud3p. My memory configuration is a little weird because i've been using 2x1gb and 2x512mb from different manufacturers, BUT it worked before and the memory is kept at default speed and voltages.
If I go back to stock settings, the system seems to be completely stable again. I can run games without crashing for long periods of time. I'm waiting for memtest to complete right now but wanted to check. So, I'm wondering what's wrong with it, is it the memory or cpu?
If I go back to stock settings, the system seems to be completely stable again. I can run games without crashing for long periods of time. I'm waiting for memtest to complete right now but wanted to check. So, I'm wondering what's wrong with it, is it the memory or cpu?