I find a lack of appeal for Joe millionare and shows like it. I mean, with Joe millionare what is so great about it:
plot: Group of gold digging bimbos doing anything to get guy who is pretending to be rich as a joke to get a girl. Wow, how great is that?
Yet people continue to watch?!? and worst of all find it enjoyable.
Simply put I find it pitiful that people would watch a show like this, but if anybody could sway my opinon or add to it, eh?
plot: Group of gold digging bimbos doing anything to get guy who is pretending to be rich as a joke to get a girl. Wow, how great is that?
Yet people continue to watch?!? and worst of all find it enjoyable.
Simply put I find it pitiful that people would watch a show like this, but if anybody could sway my opinon or add to it, eh?