app to make html or word file based on mp3 id3 tags


Jan 6, 2002
I ripped all my CD's to OGG, then I used Tagscanner to rename them, and exported a list to HTML. I love the control the program gives you. But, the html it exported has each field in it's own cell, there are 5 fields per song I'm exporting and 4,316 files. The file won't open in Dreamweaver 2002 unless I wait about 15 minutes, and once it does it makes the program (not respond) every thing I do so it's really unedible in DW. In Word 2000, it's about 50% faster but I still have to wait minutes just to select and cut text.

I'm looking for a program that can export my list into word or html format without tons of cells, I'm assuming it's all the cells that's making the file so hard to open and edit. I looked in Tagscanner for an option to have each field use 1 cell for the entire colloum but it doesn't support that.

any suggestions from somebody who's done something similar to this? I have tried about 10 id3 tagging programs and none of them had the control or features I'm after.
